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Infant Lifespan Development and the Nature/Nurture Controversy

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Respond to the items below.

Part A

Consider the lifespan development process and describe the following changes in the INFANT from content in your text and outside, credible sources. In your response, use resources in the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least one specific example of a new discovery in each of the following areas:

1. Physical changes
2. Cognitive changes
3. Nutritional needs/changes
4. Sensory changes

Part B

Provide an explanation of the nature/nurture controversy as it pertains to each of the following. When providing your response, use at least two (2) evidence-based research resources from the last three years that support recent scientific findings, citing at least one specific example of a new discovery in each of the following areas:

  • Prenatal Development
  • Labor and Birth
  • Birth Complications
  • Development of the Competent Newborn
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Human Growth and Development Assignment 4
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Human Growth and Development Assignment 4
Part A
The lifespan development of an infant is a very critical stage that requires clear attention in bringing up a healthy child. The physical complexions and development in infants can vary from one to another due to the nature of embracing the necessities in their growth (Leys, 2020). Physical development is the first evident beginning from the head. Due to the weakness of the muscles holding the head, the infant is most likely and, in various circumstances, unable to withstand the weight of the head by the neck. Therefore, the first change that is clear in development is the ability to sustain the head's weight where they can turn their neck without much struggle (Leys, 2020). Recent findings affirm this by pointing out that a delayed ability of the neck to withstand the weight of the head can be an alarming complexion in child development. From the head, the infant's ability to engage in holding objects with the hands and trying to walk is a result of muscular development (Leys, 2020). The child gradually develops from the head to the hands, legs, and the general body complexions take shape.
Cognitive development revolves around the brain development in language, sensory, thinking, and reasoning capacity. As infants grow, they start focusing on their vision and reach out to know things that make their environment (Feldman, 2017). This is seen by their desire to engage those surrounding them and continuous reply to objects. At this stage of development, the infants may try to speak out the language they hear and try to make a response when confronted (Feldman, 2017). They can use the sensory organs to respond and are fascinated mainly by new objects. They tend to make cognitive development by noting several objects, and they master them (Feldman, 2017). During this change, the sensory organs of the infant are most used to make out a sound reply. A clear example is holding objects like phones and shaking objects to see their reply.
Due to the high nutritional demand in infant growth, a nutritional change is vital in the overall physical development. At the infant stage, the nutritional demand rises due to the protection of the infant from various chronic diseases. Therefore, the infant will require more energy for physical and mental development (Feldman, 2017). At these points, a lowered nutritional provision to the infant will bring forth a weak child with the inability to sustain the harsh weather and diseases. Therefore, the nutritive value in the food should revolve around a balanced diet content including nutrients, carbohydrates, and plenty of vitaminic foods for protection. A recent study on the causes of mortality rate aiming infants has been attributed to poor eating habits of healthy foods, making them susceptible to diseases. The cause of diseases like measles has recently been attributed to poor nutrients in infant development (Feldman, 2017). The brain's capacity to grow has scientifically been pointed out as a deficiency from the low nutrients in infancy.
Sensory changes are gradual coordination between the large and lower muscles in making a complete discovery or making out what an object is. The sensory organs revolve around hearing, seeing, taste, smelling, and touch. This change is vitally remarkable in infant development (Feldman, 2017). Due to the coordination of various body growth. Due to the desire to grow and make a change, infants are mostly seen trying to engage the five sensory organs to confront their surroundings and at least make something out of the experience. The five sensory organs should be active as an indication of average growth. Mostly, infants who are challenged to engage these senses a...
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