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How Can Early Childhood Educators Meet The Call For Action By TRC

Essay Instructions:

Use the articles which I give to you to answer this question:

How can we as early childhood educators meet the calls to action outlined by the TRC?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How can early childhood educators meet the call for action by TRC Name Institution Affiliation There is an observation that when an individual gets to learn about something or gains knowledge at a young age that knowledge tends to remain and it is challenging to twist the acquired knowledge. For example religion and cultural activities. As a child, one tends to see their loved ones be it the parents, guardians or the tutors as heroes and thus copying and following what they do is not unusual. Thus for children, learning does not necessarily begin when they are taken to a tutor, it begins when they start recognizing what is happening around them and hence the initial process of learning begins at home with the society around them. For early childhood educators, there is, therefore, a need to recognize the above fact and make effort to develop not only a safe conducive learning environment but also a learning environment that allows parents, the elderly and society around the child play a ...
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