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Why Public Schools? The Growth of “School Choice” and Vouchers

Essay Instructions:

For each reading, you should prepare for class in the following way: 1. Attempt to summarize the author’s main point(s) in a sentence or two. 2. Identify specific terms, concepts, or passages that you found either confusing or interesting and enlightening (in other words, what would you like to bring up as a point of clarification or discussion). 3. Provide a reaction or two to the reading: What do you like or dislike about it? Agree or disagree with? How can you relate it to your experience?

these are the guide questions dont need to answer:

--How and why have some countries or localities moved away from traditional public schools and implemented different kinds of "choice?" What is the reasoning or desire behind such changes?

--What kinds of schools did YOU attend, and were you satisfied with them? Why or why not?

--If you had 2 kids in a "C" rated school in Indiana, and you qualified for both the "Indiana Choice Scholarship Program" and knew that you could also get your kids into a "B" rated Charter school, what would you do?: a) Keep your kids in the "traditional" public school and pressure the School Board to improve quality? b) Take the scholarship and go to a private religious school, even if you had to pay $3,000 for each student out of pocket?, or c) Send your kids to the Charter school?

--What has been the result of voucher programs and "school choice" in Chile?

--What are some of the arguments in favor of charter schools, and what do research studies tell us about them?

please dont use difficult words

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School Choice
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With time, countries have moved away from traditional public schools and have introduced better options. This is because traditional school systems have a lot of disadvantages. First of all, students are not taught how to work independently, as their teachers want them to depend on them for study-related materials. Favoritism is common in traditional public schools. Teachers fail students who do not have good personalities or are naughty. Such an attitude eventually develops inferior feelings in them.
My parents sent me to a reputed private school in the city. It was indeed a good experience for me, as I learned various new things and got a chance to make nice friends with whom I used to communicate regularly, and this boosted my self-confidence and communication skills to an extent. In addition, I was satisfied with the quality of education ...
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