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DOK Questions Table

Essay Instructions:

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Assessment Description

When students are learning mathematical operations and skills, the concepts and skills will build upon each other. It is important for teachers to plan meaningful learning progressions in their lessons to help with this learning process. Higher-order questioning within a lesson plan can help ensure skill mastery before the next learning concept is introduced.

Part 1: Partial Lesson Plan

Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona College and Career Ready Standard or other state standard based on the Number and Operations in Base Ten domain.

Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” complete the lesson plan through the Multiple Means of Engagement section, making sure the activities are supported by the recommendations found in the topic Resources.

Include appropriate support and guidance to help students learn related academic language.

Part 2: DOK Essential Questions

Upon completion of the partial lesson plan, draft 20 essential questions to guide meaningful learning progressions and foster problem-solving for students with disabilities, using the “DOK Questions Template.” Five of the questions should activate prior knowledge and the remaining 15 questions should be based on the progression of the lesson activity, probing the four Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels.

Using four of the questions you drafted, one from each DOK level, identify the following using the DOK Questions Table within the “DOK Questions Template”:

Examples of student responses

Rationale of why chosen question meets DOK level

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

sorry i forgot to say similarity = zero

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DOK Questions Table
DOK Level

One Question from that Level

Examples of Student Responses

Rationale of why Chosen Question Meets DOK Level

Level 1: Recall

1 What does the word evaluate mean?
2 What is a numerical expression?
3 Does evaluating a mathematical expression in any order always lead to the same answer?
4 What is the importance of order of operations then?
5 What is a parenthesis?

1 Evaluating means solving; Evaluating means figuring out the value of the equation
2 A numerical expression is a math equation with several operation symbols; A numerical expression is a combination of numbers and mathematical operators.
3 Sometimes, but not always; No, it depends on which operator one starts with
4 The order of operations allows one to arrive at the same answer; It helps us evaluate a numerical expression correctly.
5 A parenthesis is the grouping of symbols; It is the ordering of operations in a numerical expression

1 The chosen question meets DOK level because it activates prior math knowledge.
2 The chosen question meets DOK level because it asks students to recall a math fact.
3 The chosen question meets DOK level because it sets the ground for the lesson content.
4 The chosen question meets DOK level because it involves algorithmic procedure at the lowest level.
5 The chosen question meets DOK level because it activates prior math knowledge.

Level 2: Skill/Concept

1 How do you know which operations to begin with in a numerical expression?
2 How do you separate the various operators?
3 What is the order of performing the various operations?
4 How do you remember the correct order of operations?
5 Does using the order of operations give the same answer for a numerical expression?

1 By applying the PEMDAS concept; by first starting with parenthesis then exponents then multiplication/division, and concluding with addition/subtraction.
2 By using parentheses; by grouping symbols together
3 The order of performing the various operations is parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division, before addition/subtraction.
4 By using a mnemonic (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally); by using the catchword taught in class
5 Yes; using the PEMDA concept leads to the same answer.

1 The chosen question meets DOK level because it i...
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