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An Ideal Picture of the Students' Learning Capabilities

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Assessment Description

When teaching mathematics to students with mild to moderate disabilities, special education teachers first will identify student challenges. Identifying these challenges is vital in addressing the specific needs to help students continue to flourish in their academics. There can be numerous areas in which students struggle in mathematics and identifying differentiation strategies to help lessen these struggles is vastly important.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

With your mentor teacher, identify a student or small group of students with disabilities who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during an upcoming math lesson or activity.

Part 1: Student Challenges

With the mentor teacher, observe the student or small group of students while they work on math problems in class. Identify areas where the student or students seem to struggle.

Areas of concern where students may struggle include (but are not limited to):

Output difficulties

Organizational difficulties

Language difficulties

Attention difficulties

Visual spatial or ordering difficulties

Difficulties with multiple tasks

After observing and noting concerns, discuss with the student/students whether the areas you identified were challenging for them. Continue to work with them with guided practice and support.

Discuss your findings with your mentor teacher. Offer intervention strategies you could implement to help the students learn the math concepts being taught. With your mentor teacher, decide on 1-2 strategies to further develop in Clinical Field Experience C and implement in Clinical Field Experience D.

Part 2: Reflection

After observing and talking with the students and your mentor, summarize and reflect upon your experiences in 250-500 words, including:

Your initial conversation with the mentor teacher, identifying how the student or students were chosen.

Areas where the students seem to struggle.

Summarize the conversation between you and the students discussing the areas that seemed to challenge them. Were they in agreement with you, or did they feel that they did not struggle or did not need support? If so, how did you continue to support them?

Strategies you suggested to the mentor teacher, his or her feedback, and what strategies the two of you ultimately decided you would implement (which may be the same or different from what you originally suggested).

Explain how you will use your findings to further assist the students while working with them in this placement. This will also help prepare you for Clinical Field Experiences C and D, as well as your own future classroom engagements.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An Ideal Picture of the Students' Learning Capabilities
The mentor pointed out that the students were chosen according to their performance on two math tests. The tests were formulated in a manner that tasted various math-solving skills. Therefore, they provided an ideal picture of the students' learning capabilities. The students seemed to have attention, organizational, and language difficulties. These difficulties made it challenging for the mentor teacher to offer instructions. The attention difficulties were expressed in a manner that the students could not take instructions for a long period without getting distracted. The organizational and language difficulties appeared in repetition and poor social communication (Strogilos & King‐Sears, 2019). The students agreed with their difficulties in these areas and followed my instructions to minimize the challenges. However, some students did not seem to agree that they had attention difficulties. I gave them examples of how distracted they would get after a few minutes of working on a math problem. These examples made them change their minds about their perspective on attention deficit and were willing to accept the necessary help. The students were motivated to participate in the tutoring sessions. This was demonstrated by their readiness and enthusiasm to get started on assignment completion. The students also appeared eager to learn new things in a social setting.
The mentor-teacher ascertained that supporting the students' strengths would give better results than expected. The teacher also discovered some challenging activities in which the students could take part to improve their weaknesses. The mentor-teacher ascertained that students with attention difficulties could acquire self-management skills by engaging in the right activities. The students behaved in a manner that suggested they were eager to acquire these skills. This was because the students appeared ready and willing to do whatever the teacher and mentor recommended. The language difficulties usually associated with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder could be eradicated through group participation while tackling challenging activities (Stefanidis, King‐Sears & Brawand, 2019). Some of the students appeared ready and willing to interact with their peers while working on a problem. The students preferred to be around others while they were working. While doing so, the students did not appear impatient or anxious. However, the students could not work with everyone in the same problem area. The mentor teacher compared these results with the information obtained from observing the students in a regular classroom environment. Observing them in a regular classroom taught her about their problems. The students could not demonstrate good teamwork skills in a regular classroom environment. They constantly failed to work as a team and kept on disrupting other groups. The resul...
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