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Appropriate Intervention Tier and Aligning Intervention Strategies

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Assessment Description

Upon identifying an appropriate intervention tier and aligning intervention strategies, teachers can begin the implementation process. Implementing identified intervention strategies during instruction will help to not only meet the needs of students but help teachers to identify where to monitor and adjust instruction as needed. Implementation and evaluation of intervention is an ongoing process when working with all students.

Allocate at least 3 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Working with your mentor teacher, identify a math lesson or time during which interventions from the Clinical Field Experience C intervention plan can be implemented to benefit the previously identified students.

After implementing the intervention strategies, seek feedback from your mentor teacher about how it went. Continue discussion regarding the strengths and potential improvements of the students.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

After the math lesson or activity, summarize and reflect upon your experiences in 250-500 words, being sure to:

Briefly describe the students identified needs and explain how interventions were selected. Rationalize choices in relation to the needs of the students.

Describe how the students performed on the math activities and reflect upon your experience implementing the intervention strategies. Include possible changes you would make in the future when implementing these strategies.

Describe how students could utilize one of the intervention strategies at home.

Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Document the locations and hours you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.

Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form in the last topic. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Appropriate Intervention Tier and Aligning Intervention Strategies The grade five learners selected in clinical field experience C had attention, organizational, and language difficulties. The attention difficulties were displayed by the learner's inability to maintain attention for longer periods and not fully comprehending information. The organizational difficulties were displayed by their inability to prioritize and complete tasks independently. The language difficulties were seen in the learners having a limited vocabulary, inability to communicate ideas, and difficulty understanding what they read. The intervention strategies were chosen to reduce the learner's attention, organizational, and language difficulties in learning mathematics. The intervention's strategy choice also focused on the learners' working memory (Strogilos et al., 2020). The method of intervention was collaboration and feedback. Both of these strategies helped the learner's confidence in their abilities. The collaboration and feedback strategies played an important role in improving the student's performance in Mathematics.
The feedback strategy assisted in monitoring the learner's progress and application of strategies. The learners were assessed to determine their capabilities in solving math problems. The assessment revealed that the feedback strategy had improved the learner's capability to pay attention to details, organize work and interpret vocabulary accordingly. Through feedback, learners found it easy to identify the errors they made in solving math problems and correcting them. It also allowed the teacher to interact with the learners better and understand their weaknesses. When receiving assessment feedback, learners easily distinguish their strengths and weaknesses in solving math problems.
The collaboration strategy also played an important role in improving learners' performance. It helped in providing support to the students and teachers. The collaboration strategy expanded the learners' repertoire of strategies they had to apply in their learning. The strategy also helped in monitoring learners' progress. The strategy was to give informative feedback to the learners on how they were doing and what strategies could be used. It also enhanced the learners' ability to use strategies other students in the class used. This helped learners enhance their self-confidence in learning mathematics, enhancing their ability to solve math problems independently. The collaboration strategy facilitated peer discussions among the learners, making it easy for them to pay attention and organize content. The collaboration strategy helped the learners take ownership of the learning process. For instance, learners were assessed for their understanding of a concept and their application of strategies to solve problems. This made it easier for the students to explain their weaknesses in using strategies, hence making them more confident in learning mathematics. The strategy was very effective because it play...
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