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Differing Cultural Perspectives On Learning Through Play

Essay Instructions:

Read chapters 5-6. Write a 6-7 page paper on the differing cultural perspectives on learning through play. At least 3 scholarly references in addition to many textbook references are expected.

Please see attached textbook pages ( chapters 5-6) : Diversity in Early care and education


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child Play
College: Empire State College
Course: Diversity in Early Care & Education:
Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Date: October 26th, 2017
Child Play
When comparing the two babies, there are major differences in the way that they are brought up. This is considering the way that their parents approach the aspect of attachment between them and the babies. In the case of the baby A the mother takes time to connect with her, and also shows signs of helping the child develop her own level of independence (“Attachment and Separation”, 2017). This is an approach that is quite different, given the fact that the mother makes the element of interaction a key platform. The baby is seen to understand the level of interaction that they have with the mother is quite important for the relationship that they have. In the case of the baby B, it is always with someone. The level of interaction with the mother is diversified to being with other members of the family. The level of interaction between the baby and the mother is rather diversified and at the same time the level of connection is much higher relative to the time the people in the house spend their time with the child. This is different when compared to the first baby, relative to the fact that the mother takes some time off from taking care of the baby (“Attachment and Separation”, 2017). The time they are off they have their couple dates and in some of the cases the baby is sleeping alone. This is a different approach that helps the baby to better connect with herself. Ideally, it is a way of helping the child to develop independence. It could be considered as a parenting approach that involves cutting the apron strings. This way the child is going to develop independence where she will not feel the need to be closely attached to her mother. She can move away and find her own way. In the second case baby B, the element of connection is rather clingy in a way. The child is likely to develop an attachment that is quite strong to the family (Taylor, Samuelsson & Rogers, 2010). At the same time the family is based on attachment, where the members do not have complete autonomy over where they work and who they interact with in the community. The grandmother is seen to keep a hold of all the children in a manner that does not allow them to develop an independent stance in their lives. This is rather limiting for the children as they do not have the wiggle room to choose their path.
The baby from the first family could be considered to be from a middle to upper class. This is relative to the fact that, the mother uses an approach that allows the child to find their own way (“Attachment and Separation”, 2017). At the same time, when it comes to the play times, the mother takes on a rather strong commitment. Compared to the baby B upbringing, where the mother simply leaves the responsibility of attachment to the family members. While the child is never left alone, the mother never takes the intricate interest in making sure they interact with the child in a way that foster a close attachment. This is a common approach in the low income families where, families take on a rather collective upbringing (Taylor, Samuelsson & Rogers, 2010). The middle class on the other hand, use an individualistic approach, allowing the child to interact with the rest of the world without the interference from the family. This allows the children to grow at a more personal level and build a character that is confident. There is also the cultural aspect where some of the parents are going to encourage their children to play on their own. In other cases, parents may not allow their children to play without supervision. In an example, given the different cultural backgrounds some of the parents will prefer that their babies are held by someone and not loose on the ground where they collect dust and other health hazards. For others, this a crucial learning process for the child and they should be left free to explore.
There is a new level of understanding, where the parents have been exposed to incidences their young ones have died, they tend to be more careful when it comes to taking care of the children. As such, the differences that are seen between the Baby A and B are likely to emerge, however for different means (“Attachment and Separation”, 2017). Where the parent has had a misfortune of losing a baby or even babies they are likely to take precautions as they care for their child. This means that they are likely to take on a collectivist approach when caring for their baby. Having a member of the family around the baby to attend to them ever other time. When a baby cries, they are likely to be attended to, much faster than is the case for parents that have not had the misfortune of losing their children. In the latter case, relative to the fact that the element of survival for the children is considered much more guaranteed, the parents do not see the need to attend to their children with a collective approach. They also do not feel the need to safe guard the survival of the child. As such, much of their emphasis is on ...
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