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Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of A Research-Based Curriculum

Essay Instructions:

please read the article "Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of A Research-Based Curriculum", then follow the Research Article Critique to write the paper. Then find two other research articles to relate to the article "Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of A Research-Based Curriculum", and please cite the article "Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of A Research-Based Curriculum" and the additional two articles in the reference page. Can not direct copy a paragraph or a sentence from the articles.

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Research Article
The article to be Reviewed
Clements, D. H. & Sarama, J. (2008). Experimental evaluation of the effects of a research-based preschool mathematics curriculum. American Educational Research Journal, 45, 443-494.
The capacity for preschool children to learn substantial mathematics at an early age is huge. However, due to circumstances, most of these children fail to get the opportunity. Others start on a schedule way behind their peers who are advantaged. This forms a basis of a negative trajectory of mathematics for many children. The interventions put in place to try help children learn mathematics at an early age impact their perception positively throughout their lives. This is what the article to be reviewed is based upon.
The article mentioned above is a quantitative study research. This is highlighted in the title of the article. At the same time, the researchers physically enter the classrooms they are surveying to obtain data through observation. It is done primarily to fulfill the measures of the research for instance classroom environment and fidelity. The authors recognized the need for evaluating the curricular rigorously. They also recognized the need for the evaluation of preschool mathematics curricula putting the focus on children from low or middle-class families. It was discovered that these children are less represented in such research yet they pose a huge risk mathematics problems in future.
The information the article provides is relevant for childhood education. This is because, mathematics, traditionally has been termed as one of the most challenging education. In addition, it is known that foundation of something determines its future. Relating to this, the future understanding of mathematics for the young learners depends on the foundation. All young learners, therefore, deserver an early mathematics foundation that is accessible, of high-quality and challenging. This experience should be provided to them through effective teaching and research-based curricula practices.
Article Summary
Purpose/ Rationale of the Study
The main purpose of the study was to measure the preschool mathematics program effectiveness. The comprehensive model development of the research-based curriculum formed the basis of the study. It was to be measured across teachers with diverse backgrounds. It purposed to answer a few research questions which aimed at finding out if building blocks curriculum could be developed with high fidelity. It also aimed at finding out if fidelity was a measure of achievement goals. It also purposed to find out if building blocks had a positive impact on the environment of learning mathematics. Lastly, it wanted to determine the effect of building blocks on preschoolers' achievement in mathematics and if the improvement in the quality of learning environment led to mathematics achievement.
The methodology approach was quantitative which involved randomized- trials design. Thirty-six classrooms were selected based on the fact that they served preschoolers from low-income backgrounds. The classrooms were assigned randomly to the following three treatment categories 1) experimental, 2) comparison and 3) control. Pre and post individual assessment tests to preschool children followed. These children stayed under instructions for 26 weeks.
The study was done in preschools in the New York serving diverse children. The children were from low-income background, others were state-funded majority and lastly state-funded minority. Teachers in these preschools were those with 8-16 years of experience with teaching certification from NYS. The initial volunteer group was 100, but only 24 teachers were selected and randomly assigned to the three treatment groups mentioned above.
Under fidelity, the building blocks group averages were 3.0, (SD= .45). The score for the comparison group was 2.8 (SD=.63). This was a little lower than the average. On mathematics reflection encouragement, integrating scaffolding activities, quality lessons enhancement and conducting written activities, the score of the comparison group was notably higher. The teachers of the building blocks scored higher in such activities as sending home activities, staying on schedule, encouraging sharing and justification of activities among children and promoting effort among others.
On the quality of teaching and mathematics environment, the building block group recorded the highest score followed by comparison and then control. Under children’s achievement in mathematics, the building block and the comparison groups outperformed the control group as shown (first model, Building Blocks, p=000+., Comparison, p=000+). On the other hand, the comparison group was outperformed by the experimental group as seen (second model, Building Blocks vs. Comparison, p=.007.
To answer the first researc...
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