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Different Aspects of Education

Essay Instructions:

Please answer each question with 50 words and one (1) source (cite).


1. What can an educator do to help parents understand the importance of helping to build their child’s vocabulary skills at home? Provide two recommended strategies for families of young learners to use at home to help increase vocabulary skills. Rationalize your choices.
2. As an educator, why is it beneficial to know about the unique aspects of each student to include his or her abilities, interests, cultural background, social abilities, etc. in your instruction? Describe how you plan to elicit these details from your students.
3. Difficulties with fluency affects comprehension. This becomes even more challenging in the intermediate Grades 4-6, when students begin to notice how differently they learn. How will you promote self-confidence in middle and high school students who are struggling with their reading so that they may develop fluency to better comprehend text?
4. Helping students learn to enjoy reading can pose a challenge, especially for those who struggle with reading. Share your thoughts on building student interest in reading through alternative texts such as comic books, magazines, blogs, etc. Do you feel alternative texts still build reading fluency and comprehension? Should they be encouraged in the classroom setting? Why or why not?
5. What is the importance of having before reading, during reading, and after reading learning activities? How does this structure benefit students?
6. Explain why reading and writing integration is vital across all content areas. Describe what this integration may look like in an early childhood, elementary school, and at the high school setting.
7. Describe two reading strategies from this course that are new to you and that you plan to implement in the classroom. Why are these strategies appealing? How can the strategies benefit students with disabilities?
8. Why is it essential to teach cognitive strategies to students? What role does metacognition have in students’ reading and written language acquisition?
9. Research technology associated with Blooms Taxonomy and recommend two apps that teachers can use within the classroom to increase reading comprehension and skills for individuals with disabilities. Explain the correlation between the apps and Blooms Taxonomy.
10. Name two state standards that could be better met through technology. How will you address these standards with technology for students who struggle with reading and written language?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Question 1
Educators can provide parents with different activities that they can perform together with the students to help them enhance their vocabulary comprehension capabilities. The families can use comprehension strategies and repeat strategies to enhance learning (Brevik, 2019). These strategies enhance a student’s capabilities to make sense of a text, thus understanding it better.
Question 2
The unique aspects of every student play a major role in determining their capabilities to understand the concepts being taught in class. Therefore, an educator must understand these aspects to ensure they use the right instructional strategies to enhance content comprehension (Fan, Antle & Warren, 2020). If the educator does not use the right strategy, it will be challenging for the students to understand concepts. The details of the students can be obtained by monitoring their response to various activities in the classroom environment.
Question 3
Self-confidence can be provided by using different reading strategies that make it easy for the student to enhance their fluency skills (Lowenthal & Dunlap, 2018). Among the common strategy is repeated reading for middle school and high school students. Such a strategy would allow the student to practice reading texts and eventually enhance their reading skills by making them fluent.
Question 4
Alternative texts tend to be more interesting than the texts that the student read in class. Therefore, this aspect enhances the student’s interest in learning, thus making them more fluent (Varlamova & Aleksandrova, 2020). Once the student has become fluent reader, they will be interested in learning class material. Hence, alternative texts should be allowed and encouraged in class.
Question 5
The before reading, during reading, and after reading activities play a major role in enhancing a student’s capability to make sense of the text. These activities are designed to push the students into developing an interest in the learning process (Abbas, 2021). The activities also aid the educator in assessing whether the students have understood a concept or not.
Question 6
Reading and writing integration requires an educator to teach both concepts together. In early childhood, the integration is done by alternating reading and writing lessons (Alves, Limpo & Joshi, 2020). In elementary school, the lessons can be combined due to the student’s enhanced skills in reading and writing. In high school, the students know how to read and write, and hence, less integration is required.
Question 7
The repeat and speak reading strategy would help students make sense of the text. This strategy allows the student to listen to a word, comprehend it, and read it aloud. It allows the educator to determine the challenging areas for the student (Aprizani & Islamiah...
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