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Clinical Field Experience for Teaching ELA Students

Essay Instructions:

1. Clinical Field Experience C: Intervention

Assessment Description

English language arts is an academic area that can be challenging for many students due to comprehension and writing difficulties. When planning interventions, it is first important to identify where and why the student struggles. With this information, the appropriate tier of intervention can be addressed. Understanding the tiers of intervention can help to differentiate struggles associated with content, application, or delivery.

Collaborate with the mentor teacher to create an intervention plan for the student/s identified in Clinical Field Experience B. Base the plan on your own observational data, as well as other assessment data the mentor teacher has available. Discuss with the mentor an upcoming grade level ELA lesson or activity during which you can implement applicable interventions from the plan.

Include the following in your plan:
The names and grade levels of the students for whom the plan is designed. (Continue to use pseudonyms to maintain student confidentiality.)
The tier of RTI (1, 2, or 3).
A brief description of 1-2 intervention strategies for the student/s, and how each supports the identified ELA challenges.
Materials needed and procedures for each intervention strategy.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Upon completing the intervention plan, continue to collaborate with the mentor teacher to ensure the plan will appropriately meet the needs of the student/s identified. Incorporate feedback accordingly.

Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

In 275 words, summarize and reflect upon your conversations and instructional support. Address how your mentor teacher plans for and reflects upon intervention choices in his or her own classroom and explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

2. Second document (assignment)

Clinical Field Experience D: Intervention Implementation

Upon identifying an appropriate intervention tier and aligning intervention strategies for students, teachers are able to begin the implementation process. Implementing identified intervention strategies during instruction will not only help to meet the students’ needs, but also help teachers to identify where to monitor and adjust instruction as needed. Planning, implementing, evaluating, and planning again is an ongoing, cyclical process when working with all students.

With your mentor teacher, identify an ELA lesson or activity in which interventions from the Clinical Field Experience C intervention plan can be implemented to benefit the previously identified student/s.

Continuing to work with the mentor teacher:
Identify an upcoming grade level ELA lesson or activity to implement applicable interventions from the Clinical Field Experience C intervention plan.
Discuss strengths and potential improvement for the student/s.
Implement the identified intervention strategies with the student/s during the agreed upon ELA lesson or activity.
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

After the ELA lesson or activity, summarize and reflect upon your experiences in 250-500 words:

Describe how the student/s performed on the ELA activities, and reflect upon your experience implementing the intervention strategies. Include possible changes you would make in the future when implementing these strategies.
Describe how the student/s could utilize one of the intervention strategies at home.
Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Two Field Experience C & D
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Two Field Experience C & D
Clinical Field Experience C: Intervention
The mentor teacher offered clear instructional support in overcoming the various challenges facing the ELA students. The teacher determined the specific areas of focus that, in turn, made it possible to enhance the comprehension capabilities of the ELA student. The instructional strategies focused on individual students because they had different English language challenges. The mentor teacher ensured that each of the instructional strategies was the most ideal for dealing with the needs of each student. When an instructional strategy proved unhelpful to a particular student, the teacher would implement a different strategy to ensure they had the best interest of the students into consideration.
The mentor teacher reflects on intervention choices through simple assessments. The assessments are made to determine whether the students have understood the concepts being taught in class. If a student does not understand the concept, the teacher will change the instructional strategy they have been using to enhance content comprehension. These findings will play a major role in my future career, especially when dealing with ELA students. I will find it less challenging to reflect on the instructional strategies being used in class to determine whether they are effective or not. If an instructional strategy proves to be unhelpful, I will implement a better strategy to enhance the student's comprehension capability. The first step to determining the best instructional strategy to use on the students would be to identify each student's special needs. I would, in turn, use such information to determ...
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