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Developmental Milestones for First Graders

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Special education teachers often consult and train staff members. Consideration of typical development and achievement of developmental milestones can help staff determine if a student needs a referral for a special education evaluation. This information is often used to select assessments and identify the effects of a possible disability. If eligibility is determined, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed. IEP teams describe an individual’s strengths, interests, preferences, and needs, while considering the characteristics of a given disability and its effect on a student. The IEP defines the specially designed instruction, accommodations, related services, and supplementary aids and services that will best support a student in accessing and achieving goals aligned with the general education curriculum. When teachers understand the effect of a disability on learning, they are able to prepare the classroom environment and use specially designed instructions to support students with disabilities.

Imagine that your principal has asked you to conduct a professional development session for staff members about developmental milestones for students. Referring to the topic Resources and your research, use the “Developmental Milestones In-Service Template” to create a 15-20 slide digital presentation that describes the typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional developmental milestones of children in the grade levels associated with your field of study.

The presentation should address the following:
Describe developmental milestones and explain why they are important.
For each disability category, describe typical cognitive, linguistic, physical, social, and emotional development and the atypical development of a student with the specified disability. Include examples of how the milestones may present differently for students with and without each disability.
For each disability category, explain at least one specially designed instructional strategy that could be used to enhance academic achievement.
For each disability category, explain at least one environmental strategy (how you would change the classroom environment) to increase success in the classroom setting.
Title slide, reference slide, and speaker notes.
Support the assignment with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Refer to "Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations," located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developmental Milestones for First Graders
Your Name
Department of ABC, University – Whitewater
ABC 101: Course Name
Professor (or Dr.) Firstname Lastname
Developmental milestones are the stages human beings typically undergo as part of growth and learning. Each stage has unique characteristics that build from the previous stage and influence the learning environment. Special education teachers rely on these stages to consult and train staff members and identify students with special needs. Further, this information is used to design, develop, and implement an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to address individual needs. Apart from helping teachers identify students who require special needs, information on developmental milestones also helps shape the classroom environment to accommodate special needs. Thus, the current presentation aims to produce material for conducting a professional development session for staff members based on development milestones for students with unique challenges among 1st graders.
What are Developmental Milestones?
It is expected that a child between 7 to 10 years does not behave in the same manner as another child under five years. Each age, therefore, has a set of skills or abilities that are expected of the child. Thus, older age ranges should indicate more sophisticated skills when children are grouped based on age range. However, this is not necessarily true for children with disabilities. The use of developmental milestones can help differentiate these skills and abilities and, therefore, identify children who require special educational attention. Thus, developmental milestones are functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children do not struggle in within a certain age range. These stages can be grouped into five categories: physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional milestones.
For instance, in terms of physical milestones, a typical first grader has improved hand-eye coordination, can dance, and has handwriting increasingly easier to read, run, skip, jump, and hope. Further, they can kick a ball, catch with both hands, copy letters and shapes, and know how to use utensils correctly. In terms of cognitive milestones, first graders exhibit logical reasoning, learn from sight and sound, are troubled in making choices, can read some words, and have a sense of time. Further, such students can predict the next item in a pattern, count & recognize numbers, and do essential addition or subtraction. Key signs in the language milestone include sounding out words, stopping reversing letters, telling jokes, telling little lies, and being more persuasive with words. Lastly, first graders begin to understand embarrassment, know right from wrong, are eager to please, more independent, less secure, and form & break friendships easily. While these are not exhaustive lists of skills and abilities, they are examples of what could be typically observed in this cohort of students.
Special Learning Disability (SLD) with Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a term that describes disorders involving difficulties in learning to read or interpret symbols, words, and letters but does not affect general intelligence. The critical developmental milestone category impacted by dyslexia is a cognitive category. Here, children have difficulties seeing differences in notes, spelling difficulties, spending unusually long time on activities that involve writing or reading, difficulties remembering the sequence of things, and problems processing and understanding what is said. Dyslexic children have normal physical and cognitive development. Their condition may cause them to be isolated and emotionally frustrated as they grow. But their intelligence is not impacted by the condition. Such students may also try to avoid reading tasks and resist sounding our unfamiliar words.
Specially Designed Instruction for Students with SLD and Dyslexia
An instructional approach to these students could include weekly target vocabularies. Here, learners keep a list of new words in one place (in a small notebook or online list). The student then receives daily routines for three consecutive days as a means of periodic reviews and repetition. For instance, on the first day, instruction could be to define the words; the second day would involve matching words with definitions; and on the last day, filling in blanks using the right words. According to (Coskun & Mitrani, 2020), the instructional approach can help dyslectic first graders acquire up to 55 vocabularies in a week. In this aspect, a fundamental classroom environmental change is the application of visual aids in enhancing the current instructional design.
Specially Designed Instruction for Students with ID
Intellectual disability is a phrase that describes a person with limitations in mental functioning in basic skills like self-care, social, and communication. They cause children to learn and develop more slowly than a typical child. T...
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