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An analysis of Student-Identity Development Models. Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

STEP 1. Refer to https://studentdevelopmenttheory(dot)wordpress(dot)com/ and review the various Student/Identity Development Models.

STEP 2. Select one model/theory that resonates with your interest, identity, and experience in each of the following columns. You will assess your own development utilizing each of the models/theories you select.

Self, Intellectual, Ethical, and Moral Development

Social, Racial, ethnic, Gender and Sexuality Development

Self-Authorship and Transitions Development

Any theory under:

 Self Identity


 Intellectual and

Ethical Development

 Moral Development

Any theory under:

 Complexities of Social Identity


 Racial Identity


 Ethnic Identity


 Gender and

Sexuality Development

Any theory under:

 Chickering’s Seven

Vectors of Identity


 Self-Authorship and

Transitions Development

E.g., Perry’s scheme (1968)

E.g., Ferdman and Gallego’s Model of Latino Identity Development (2001)

E.g., Baxter Magolda’s Theory of Self-Authorship

STEP 3. For each theory, find at least one additional, academic reference (i.e. published in a research-oriented publication (note that there are references at the end of each section on the Florida State page).

STEP 4. After reading more about the three theories/models that you have selected, outline your responses to the following questions for each of the three models (you will incorporate these into your paper):

 Briefly describe the model.

 What are the model’s strengths? What are the model’s weaknesses? (Critique the


 Using the model, how would you assess yourself in terms of your development?

What evidence led you to that conclusion? (What thoughts, behaviors, experiences led you to that conclusion?)

STEP 5. Write your paper. In your paper, which should total approximately 6 pages in APA format (not including the separate title page and references pages), address the


1. An introduction that explains that you will introduce three student development models and apply them to your college experience. Identify the models and explain that you will assess your current state or stage of development as well as ways to further develop in college.

2. Three sections – one for each model/theory – that address:

a. An introduction to the model/theory used.

b. Your critique of the model/theory.

c. Your self-application of the model/theory.

3. An analysis wherein you articulate what your future development in each model will entail and identify concrete action steps that you can take in order to develop during your sophomore year and beyond. (What resources and experiences will you seek out in order to maximize your development?)

4. A brief conclusion that restates your developmental goals for the remainder of college and summarizes the actions you will take to accomplish them.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An analysis of Student-Identity Development Models
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
An analysis of Student-Identity Development Models
The student development theories facilitate the student affairs profession in a variety of ways. For paradigm, they explain as well as describe the behavior of the students and at the same time create meaning for unique experiences and perspectives of the students. This particular paper discussed three student development theories including Intellectual and ethical development, Ethnic identity theory and Chickering’s seven vectors. Furthermore, it assess and describes the current state of development of author.
Intellectual and Ethical Development
The intellectual and ethical development theory put forward by Perry emphasized on the progression of students from the dualistic beliefs that things can be either good or evil or true or false towards a relativism stage. The students assume that beliefs are correspondingly valid to a phase of commitment towards opinions as well as values that are identified to be imperfect and incomplete; however, is open to further development and modification (Moore., 2004). In more specific terms, the student development theory proposed by Perry put forwarded nine levels or positions with transformative sequences that link them. The four crucial elements of Perry’s schema include dualism where the knowledge is received nor questioned. However, students perceive that there is a right answer that needs to be sought. Another element of the schema is multiplicity which specifies that there are more than single solutions to an issue and the opinions of the students’ matters.
Relativism is also an element of the intellectual and development theory that assumes that knowledge is viewed as contextual and consequently students assess the opinions on the grounds of evidence or source of proof (King, 1978). Lastly, commitment to relativism is an amalgamation of knowledge from different sources with personal reflections and experiences. This theory by Perry received wide support within the academic world as it clearly reflects cognitive developments undergone by college students. Nevertheless, the most prominent shortcoming of this theory is the absence of empirical research. In addition, the work by Perry is not in a state of reproduction in the view of the fact that the theory is grounded on the opinions attained through interviews and they cannot be considered as verifiable evidence. Even though the work by Perry reflects the students’ experience with high accuracy, it is difficult to assume that his schema does not contain any errors. Another critical shortcoming of the approach is that Perry’s schema did not account for inclusiveness. Although considering that the students of Harvard University are intellectually advance, interviewing students from the only single university did not accommodate different cognitive development (Peters., 2015). In spite of several shortcomings and the resulting critique, the work by Perry has been influential and at the same time led to the creation of other conceptions. In fact, in reality, the conception of Perry has been proved applicable as well as effective in the areas of career counselling and assessment of the policies to fit the needs of the students. In the case of university students, Perry’s model may underscore few of their experiences and mitigate the challenging moments.
I can significantly relate this theory to my development I started to believe that there are no right or wrong answers; instead, the response to a question depends on the situations. Therefore, I must trust my opinions and voice. This allowed me to share my opinions on different issues occurring in life.
Ethnic Identity Theory
The ethnic identity model developed by Phinney is grounded on the theory of development proposed by Erikson, an ego-identity theory put forwarded by Marcia as well as other models of ethnic identity. This theory is applicable to the college students and high school students from a diverse ethnic background (Phinney, 1990). On the grounds of Erikson theory, the identity during adolescence is achieved by means of commitment and exploration. Nevertheless, the Erikson framework did not analyze ethnicity or culture. Consequently, Phinney in his work had identified three phases of ethnic identity development with the prime focus on the procedure of ethnic identity formation. The first stage corresponds to the unanalyzed ethnic identity, and in this phase, individuals have not yet explored their ethnic backgrounds. Along these lines, few minority students possible will accept attitudes and values of the majority culture. The second stage of the Phinney model is termed as the Ethnic Identity Search/ Moratorium, and it is crucial for the identity development in terms of ethnicity. People achieve this level when they go over to a circumstance that makes them investigate their ethnic personality (Ponterotto & Taylor., 2007). It is not known for beyond any doubt what starts this stage. The last stage of the Phinney ethnic identity model is the ethnic identity achievement which is characterized by internationalization, acceptance and the clear illustration of the person’s ethnicity. In this phase, the individuals identify the terms with the cultural disparities among one’s ethnic group and predominant culture.
While discussing the strengths of this model, I would like to bring under consideration the fact that prior to the work of Phinney, the past studies on ethnic identity had emphasized on the specific ethnic groups. On the other hand, the work of Phinney analyzes ethnic identity groups including Mexican-American, Black, and Asian-American. Furthermore, Ethnic identity model proposed by Phinney presents a comprehensive understanding of the entire process of ethnic identity formation (Smith, ...
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