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Qualitative research and Ethnographic Research

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you will use qualitative research and ethnographic research approaches for your own research strategy (Does having the news outlets broadcast terroristic attacks in the United States daily, influence future extremism?)

Describe how each of these approaches might work.

Discuss the merits and drawbacks for each.

Finally, discuss whether you intend to use one or both in your own research direction for this class.

Please choose appropriate approaches for your topic, even if the length of this term may not allow you to actually operationalize the approach.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Qualitative Research and Ethnographic Research
Institutional Affiliation
Qualitative Research and Ethnographic Research
Terrorism is one of the major problems affecting the world today and it is critical that it is addressed in any way possible. One of the core issues that seems to be of concern surrounds establishing whether broadcasting terrorism attacks on news outlets contributes towards future extremism. This issue has had mixed reactions, with significant numbers supporting either opinion. In this sense, it is important to establish what the public thinks insofar as this issue is concerned, and from this point establish the best way for the American society to proceed in fighting terror both domestically and internationally.
In order to ascertain the true impacts of broadcasting terror attacks on media platforms in the US, it is essential to ensure that the research embraces and facilitates gaining better understanding of the core issue at hand. Insofar as qualitative research is concerned, this approach will hinge on assessing the current and past literature on the matter, and particularly so articles from peer-reviewed journals (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2011). This will work well to ensure that the studies of established authors on the same topic can be adequately examined and assessed for accuracy. This will help to consolidate the established public and expert opinions on the contributions, if any, of broadcasting terror attacks on US media towards the development of future extremism.
On the other hand, an ethnographic approach to this question would require the researchers to interact with members of the public (who will be the participants of the study) and establish whether these individuals believe the broadcasting of terror attacks on US media contributes towards future extremism or not. In this way, the researchers will be able to obtain first-hand information from the participants on the issue, which is critical to augmenting ...
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