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Dignity for All Students Act Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

DASA ASSIGNMENT: For this assignment, consider the school counselor's role in a safe school climate and environment. Specifically, your assignment should integrate DASA (Dignity for All Students Act) requirements. Your paper should be 3 pages long, double-spaced.
a) Develop strategies to integrate DASA into a developmental, comprehensive school counseling program.
b) Discuss how school counselors can collaborate with teachers, administrators, faculty, parents/guardians, and community members to improve school culture and environment.
c) Discuss what data you would collect and analyze to determine whether your DASA program is effective or needs modification.
d) Describe how you might integrate some of these approaches into your current internship placement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dignity for All Students Act Assignment
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Dignity For all Student Act (DASA) is legislation that addresses the issue of discrimination and harassment in the school environment. The Act addresses issues such as bullying in public schools and all forms of discriminations ranging from race, religion, disability, gender or sex. The schools are required to have a code of conduct that incorporates DASA legislation. In the school management, school counselor provide a vital role in solving students problem and also changes behaviors’ of some students.
There is a need for student counselor to develop strategies in dealing with student problems such as bullying in school. Every counselor needs to first begin by establishing a trusting and confidential relationship with the student when there is a good relationship built on the foundation of trust and confidentiality encourages the student to resorts for counseling. The first strategy is to establish a counseling program is for the counselor to develop trusting and confidential working relation (working Document, 2009). A good relationship helps the student to be confident and share their problems; confidentiality helps the student to open up on any issue that faced. In cases of bullying most of the time it involves senior student molesting junior student in school, it takes the aspect of confidentiality for the student to share such ordeal. A student might be afraid of retaliation if they report incidences of bullying, so confidentiality helps in solving the problem amicably.
The second strategy that counselor needs to focus on the problem-solving. The counselor needs to devote a lot of time in solving the problems related to DASA such as harassment, and discrimination. This strategy aimed at focusing on establishing which type harassment and discrimination then investigate the problem with the aim of finding a long lasting solution. Problem-solving involves diagnosing the problem by interrogating the students to determine the truthiness in the allegation leveled by a student. The investigation might involve summoning suspected students who might have committed the incident.
The third strategy involves the counselor applying the counseling techniques and theories in analyzing discrimination and harassment in school. The theories help in understanding the reason behind such practices (Working Document, 2009).
The last strategy involves analyzing behaviors and attitude that might impact student life in school. The importance of analyzing behavior for a counselor is to come up with the de...
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