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Reflection Questions: Provide Enriching Learning Experience

Essay Instructions:

This task is listening to the video that I send you to do reflection questions for 3 week.Each week has 2 questions,each question needs 200 words. So total is 600 words for 3 weeks.
Due date is 05/05/2017 10:00 am Australian time
Reference:APA referencing
The link is video, you should look at the video to do the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection Questions
Institution Affiliation
Week 5
To provide an enriching learning experience, the inclusion of mixed teaching strategies like incorporating play based activities in class would help deliver the content to both gifted children and their peers. Consequently, I could encourage discussion and investigative questions to trigger higher order thinking of the students. Also, exposure of the students to new experiences and use of material adaptation to promote independence and enhance creativity. Adding complexity and meaning to children’s daily activities strengthens the gifts in gifted kids and opens up challenges for others CITATION KHo14 \l 1033 (Hodge, 2014).
I believe the intent of education is to impart the knowledge necessary for the development of a person. It is meant to teach one how to live and presents one with opportunities for a better a life. Thus, a tool to elevate one from present misery to future prosperity. Hence, am becoming a teacher to influence the lives of young people in their quest to live a life directed by them and not as ascribed by society.
Engaging children in social justice education is essential as this opens them to societal concepts like diversity at an early age. They adopt implicit views and can learn issues of equality and equity at a tender age CITATION KHo14 \l 1033 (Hodge, 2014). I can do this through inclusion, participation and equity expressions in educational activities.
Week 6
In my planning, I will incorporate a talk with the child’s parents as their support is mandatory in the strength-based approach to learning. However, the focus should lie on the child’s strengths rather than the weaknesses to foster inclusive education. Accepting differences, listening and being flexible to any development aimed at bettering the child should be crucial to the plan (Cocksedge & Cologon, 2014). Having time-framed goals with well-set priorities will also characterize my planning.
Assessment gathers information on the capability of a child. It enables the early years’ professionals to understand what a child knows, can do and what he cannot do. It is an evidence tool to a child’s abilities and weaknesses. The perception that one has towards a kid influences the level of inclusiveness during the assessment (Cocksedge & Cologon, 2014). Hence, I will take all children as active participants, skilled communicators and experts at their ages. Assessment presents me with the capability levels of each. With this information, I can set activities that cater for the needs of all the students. Hence, able to strengthen the weak, encourage the gifted and create an inclusive environment for every child.
Week 7
Presumption of competence enables an educator to identify, recognize and support the abilities of every child. Children exhibit diverse skills thus able to handle tasks differently. Jurisdiction, in this case, entails the teacher to focus on the strengths rather than the deficits of all children whether abled or disabled. It yields inclusiveness in learning and motivates the differently abled children to adapt to their school environment and perform better. Hence, presuming competence breeds equality and shuns discrimination against children with disabilities. It breaks the barriers to doing, being and impairment effects caused by non-competence (Mackenzie et al.). Also, it enhances the growth of positive attitudes across children, parents, and teachers.
Focusing on children’s strengths enables the educator to identify and develop children’s capabilities. It eliminates the negative aspects of incapacitation of a child. Thus, looks at making the environment an enabling ground...
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