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Creating Learning Assignment 6

Essay Instructions:
Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Choose an age group (Kindergarten - 3rd grade) and develop a math center. 1. Briefly describe the math center. 2. Describe three (3) ways that the math center will enhance children’s development. 3. Describe three (3) attributes of the center that will make it an effective math center. 4. Provide four (4) examples of appropriate materials you will need for the center.
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Creating Learning Assignment 6 Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date Creating Learning Assignment 6 1 Briefly describe the math center The “Counting Guru” is meant to engage children in an interactive environment to facilitate the development of counting skills through different activities and games. The center appreciates the need for children to learn in a fun and interactive environment. The center has vibrant and colorful materials that create an exciting and stimulating learning environment. The math center is critical in enhancing children's creativity in mathematics, allowing them to appreciate its application in real-life experiences. 2 Describe three (3) ways that the math center will enhance children’s development. The math center will enhance children’s development in the following ways. Firstly, it will improve their numeracy skills. Numeracy is the ability to see and utilize math in all aspects of life (Goos, Geiger & Dole, 2014). Numeracy skills entail understanding numbers, counting, adding, subtracting, and measuring, among other skills. These skills are better developed when children can manipulate objects physically. The center provides hands-on activities where children can engage with abstract mathematical concepts in tangible ways. For instance, counting activities like using counters can allow students to understand the idea of numbers. Learners who manipulate physical objects will develop a foundational understanding of counting, quantity, and basic arithmetic. The center will also allow group activities where the students work on problems like sorting and categorizing. Working together will create an interactive environment where learners can explore numbers and enhance their literacy skills. Secondly, the learners will develop their fine motor skills. These skills entail the coordination of small muscles in movement with the eyes, hands, and fingers. The center incorporates activities targeting the development of motor skills. Activities like sorting require the learners t...
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