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Constructing a Behavioral Support Plans

Essay Instructions:

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review section 10.1 in your textbook and read Behavioral Support Plan Tools & Tips (Links to an external site.).

Behavioral support plans are a great way to build a plan that helps shape, replace, or reduce challenging behavior. These plans often rely on use of behavioral data to identify key trigger behavior information. Additionally, these plans may include things such as ways to deepen relationships, ways to improve parent communication, ideas to impact environmental changes, and strategies to improving the behavior. These plans also identify goals and members of the behavioral support team.

For your Final Paper, you will create a behavioral support plan utilizing behaviors found in Jose and Olivia. Pick either Jose or Olivia and review their behaviors. Select three challenging behaviors from your chosen student to complete the behavioral support plan. Your behavioral support plan will include things such as trigger, problem behavior, consequence, function, desired behavior, maintaining consequences, preventions, teaching, goals, data collection, and parent involvement.

Utilize the ECE 201 Week 5 Final Project template to complete the behavioral support plan. After you have completed the document, be sure to write a reflection on the process and answer the following prompts:

Explain the purpose of behavior management in early childhood educational settings and why it is important to think proactively.

Explain how you think your student will react to this behavior plan.

Describe what else you would do to encourage positive behavior that does not “fit” on the plan.

Summarize the conversation you will have with next year’s teacher in regard to your student’s behavior plan.

The Behavioral Support Plan Final Paper

Must be eight to 12 double-spaced page in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the UAGC Writing Center resources.

Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the UAGC Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the UAGC Writing Center for specifications.



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 5: Behavioral Support Plans
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Please type in your first and last name" Your Name
ECE201: Introduction to Early Childhood Behavior Management
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Enter your instructor's first and last name here. For example, Prof. Emily Nye" Instructor’s Name
AutoTextList \s NoStyle \t "Enter the date you will submit this assignment. The date should go Month Day, Year. For example: January 2, 2014" Date
Behavioral Support Plan:
Name of Child: Jose
Date of Plan Creation: 10th September, 2021
Length of Plan: 12 pages
Challenging Behavior #1:

(One sentence)

Jose engages in physical aggression, pushing other children.

(One sentence)

Teacher announces that it is free time.

(One sentence)

Teacher calms down Jose and asks him to behave appropriately.

(One sentence)

Jose engages in physical aggression to communicate or express his emotions.

Desired behavior:
(One sentence)

Jose plays peacefully with other students during free time.

Maintaining consequence:
(One sentence)

Jose gets attention from the teacher who asks him to behave appropriately.

Reward? (Y/N and describe)
(One sentence)

Yes. Verbal reward appreciating Jose when he behaves appropriately.

Reminder or private signal:
(One sentence)

“Jose, hands down”

Short-term goal:
(One sentence and be specific)

To help Jose stop pushing other students during free time

Long-term goal:
(One sentence and be specific)

To help stop physical aggression in class so that he can function well at all times in school.

Data to be collected to support the plan (Method #1):
(One sentence and be specific)

Data collection will determine how often Jose engages in physical aggression

Data to be collected to support the plan (Method #2)
(One sentence and be specific)

Data collection will also focus on background information about the student, including family life.

Teaching: Ways to make problem behavior inefficient (teach new skills)
(One paragraph)
While it is important to decide what behavior the child should stop doing, it is not enough and the teacher must decide what they want the child to do (Kaiser & Rasminsky, 2017). In this case, therefore, to make the physical aggression inefficient, teaching Jose to keep his hands down would be instrumental in reducing incidents of him pushing others. The teacher can also teach Jose to pocket his hands, which will be hard to get out, thus preventing the potential of pushing or hitting other children (Kidpower International, 2016). To reinforce the new behavior, the teacher can offer positive verbal in recognition of Jose’s effort to refrain from the challenging behavior. These actions can make the act of pushing others inefficient for Jose, thereby moving us closer to attaining the short-term goal.

Preventions: Ways to make problem behavior irrelevant (environmental redesign)
(One paragraph)
Environmental redesign will help a great deal in making Jose’s physical aggression irrelevant. For the case of Jose, arranging the space so that children can choose the materials and activities they want during free time will be helpful in preventing the challenging behavior (Kaiser & Rasminsky, 2017). Therefore, the activities will not only have a lot of activities and materials, I would ensure they are strategically located and is easily accessible. I will create small spaces that accommodate activities done in small groups, which would allow children to play together. This can give Jose an opportunity to play together with others and thus stay off aggressive behaviors.

Challenging Behavior #2:

(One sentence)

Jose has trouble sitting still during circle time and keeps getting off his chair during the day.

Why Is This Behavior Challenging?
(Two or Three sentences)

This is challenging behavior because it prevents the child from learning and disrupts the learning process in class that involves other students. It is also challenging because most of the time he may not have control over it.

Why Do You Think Behavior Has Not Improved?
(Two or Three sentences)

I think this behavior has not improved because Jose has little control over it. I think it could also be because of the function of the behavior which gives him what he wants, probably getting attention from the teacher. This reward thus reinforces his continuity of the behavior.

Steps Teacher Has Taken to Improve This Behavior:
(Bullet point steps the teacher has tried)

* The teacher has used gestures hand gestures to get him to stay still whenever the challenging behavior occurs.
* The teacher has communicated to him what is expected of him and everyone else in the class
* The teacher has developed a positive relationship with Jose by being close and talking to him

One Positive Reinforcement Technique That Could Be Implemented:
(One sentence)

A positive comment that encourages behavior and process could be implemented, for example, “you stayed still for 10 minutes Jose, keep it up!”

One Consequence That Could Be Implemented:
(One sentence)

A consequence that could be implemented is options statement like “Jose, you either sit still or you can walk to the park with me.”

One Verbal Cue the Teacher Can Give the Child:
(One sentence)

One verbal cue that the teacher can give the child is calling out his name whenever he starts moving or getting off his chair.

One Non-Verbal Cue The Teacher Can Give the Child :
(One sentence)

The teacher can give Jose a facial expression that would prompt him to sit still.

Short-term Goal Teacher Should Set in Place:
(One sentence and make sure it is measurable)

To get Jose to sit still continuously for 10 minutes.

Long-term Goal Teacher Should Set in Place:
(One sentence and make sure it is measurable)

To ensure Jose sits still during circle time and stays on his chair throughout the day to allow proper learning.

How Should Data Be Collected to Measure Your Short-Term Goal?
(Hint: think of how you can assess this goal)

Data should be collected to measure the short-term goal by recording the length of time Jose stays still in class.

How Should Data Be Collected to Measure Your Long-Term Goal?
(Hint: think of how you can assess this goal)

To measure the long-term goal, data should be collected by observing Jose’s behavior not only during circle time but also throughout the day.

Teaching: As the new classroom teacher, what strategy would you implement that the teacher hasn’t thought of trying (teach new skills)?
(One paragraph)
Teaching a new skill can be an integral way of addressing challenging behavior. In this case, one strategy I would use is teaching Jose self-talk. According to Kaiser and Rasminsky (2017), self-talk can help the child analyze situations and give themselves instructions in their minds. This means that they can get to a point where they can choose what to do. I would create simple crafts containing self-talk phrases and short sentences that Jose can practice and implement during class time. I am confident that with positive self-talk, Jose can understand why he needs to sit still in class and the result would be a reduction of the challenging behavior.

Preventions: With this child’s challenging behavior, do you think changing the classroom design would or would not improve classroom behavior (environmental redesign)?
(One paragraph. Be sure to explain your reasoning)
I think changing classroom design would help Jose sit still more. By first collecting data regarding the behavior such as what time during the day it occurs and under which circumstances, a change of cla...
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