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Essay Instructions:
INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Reading comprehension depends far more on background knowledge of the particular topic than on generic comprehension skills (as demonstrated in The Baseball Experience research). As a result, teachers must ensure that students are exposed to high-quality literature that is content- rich to build their students’ knowledge networks. For this assignment, the candidate will use the common core and state standards to choose a topic for knowledge building within a grade-level classroom. The candidate will choose four high-interest children’s books of various genres and create a plan for content-rich instruction focused on a single topic. The candidate will use research-based principles to target these specific areas of instruction for building knowledge: 1. Big Ideas & Key Takeaways, 2. The Use of Multiple Genres, 3. Word Knowledge, 4. Distributed Review, and 5. Intentional Opportunities for Language Development. INSTRUCTIONS Use the Building Content Knowledge through Literature Assignment Template to complete this assignment. Part 1 – Understanding 1. Re-read the Read: Comprehension in Disguise: The Role of Knowledge in Children’s Learning item located in the Learn section of this module. 2. Write a 250-word reflective summary of the article. Include at least one in-text citation as you reference the article. *Important: When reading the article, click the Full Text PDF option on the left side of the page. Reading from this view will allow you to see the image at the bottom of page 15 needed for Part 2 of this assignment. Part 2 – Planning 1. Grade Level - List the grade level you envision yourself teaching. 2. VA SOL (Science or History) a. List 1 Virginia SOL that will drive your instructional choice for the “topic” and “big ideas” for knowledge building. b. This standard will focus on content knowledge from the Science or History/Social Science standards (see the Virginia K-12 Standards of Instruction link provided with this assignment). 3. VA SOL (English) a. List out 3 English SOLs that you will target. One SOL must be presented for each of the following: i. Oral language ii. Vocabulary iii. Comprehension SOL EDUC 315 Page 2 of 3 b. Include the specific sub-standard for each SOL. 4. Common Core State Standards - List 2 Common Core State Standards (see the link provided with this assignment) that align with the SOLs that you will target. 5. Topic - Using the grade-level standards to drive your instructional choices, list the topic for this content-knowledge instruction assignment. Part 3 – Instruction Use the graphic on page 15 of the article as an example of instructional planning. Do not use the topic of “Marine Animals” for this assignment. 1. Big Ideas - List 3 Big Ideas 2. Takeaways/Objectives - List 5 key takeaways/objectives that students will learn about this topic. (Refer to the image on page 15 of the article where it says, “In this topic, children will learn that...” for expectations.) 3. Book Choices a. Choose four books from various genres to create your text set. (You may need to visit your local library to read and access these books.) b. List the books, author, Lexile level (see the Lexile Find A Book link provided with this assignment), genre, and reason(s) for choosing this book. c. Books should represent at least three different genres. Choices include nonfiction, folklore, fantasy, science fiction, contemporary realistic fiction, historical fiction, biography/memoir, and poetry/verse (Galda, 2015, 1-4). 4. Word Knowledge a. From the chosen books, choose 12 content-specific vocabulary words. b. These words should be thematically related and specific (usually categorized as Tier 3 words). c. Organize them into categorical sets and include child-friendly definitions. 5. Distributed Review: Complete the chart to include the following for each book: a. List the key takeaway(s) the book supports (you may copy/paste the takeaway directly from the above section). b. List 1-2 ideas for integrating the text within the classroom. List and explain 1-2 ideas per book. (Refer to this week’s Watch Item for research-based ideas – “Nancy Frey: Building Background Knowledge in the Classroom”) c. Explain the text-to-text, text-to-self, and/or text-to-world connections that can be made using this text. 6. Intentional Opportunities for Language Development a. Develop a minimum of five questions you will ask to lead students to develop knowledge and to process the information deeply. (Yes/no questions should not be included.) EDUC 315 Page 3 of 3 b. Write a one-paragraph summary explaining how you will provide opportunities to discuss the content (150-200 words). Include the article and all four books used for this project on a properly formatted reference page using current APA requirements. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Role of Knowledge in Children’s Learning Name: Liberty University Course: Professors name: Due date: The Role of Knowledge in Children’s Learning Part 1 - Understanding Summary Susan B. Neuman’s article, “Comprehension in Disguise the Role of Knowledge in Children’s Learning” strongly emphasizes the role of background knowledge in reading comprehension. According to the author, comprehension is not a product of isolated skills or strategies, but something deeply dependent on a reader's existing knowledge and understanding. As quoted, “When one has some knowledge, it’s easier to develop more knowledge…., knowledge is power in cognitive development” (Neuman, 2019, p. 14). Children need an extensive network of knowledge of both concepts and vocabulary to not only read but also comprehend in later grades. To prepare them, there is a need to help children learn how to organize loads of information into meaningful networks, which gives them plenty of opportunities for both extended learning and repeated practice (Neuman, 2019, p. 14). Notably, traditional approaches to comprehension instructions, prioritized strategies over strategic knowledge acquisition, as a result, it failed to improve overall reading outcomes among students, especially those from economically disadvantaged families. To prevent further disappointments a more intentional and systematic approach to instruction, that prioritizes the building of knowledge networks through content-rich learning experiences, is now needed. The new shift is supported by research findings which conclusively agree that children's comprehension is strongly influenced by their depth of knowledge in various domains. With the integration of key principles such as big ideas (the ideal cross-cutting themes, linking one topic to another), word of knowledge ( such as content-specific words), building vocabulary systematically, utilizing multiple genres (such as storybook narratives), distributing reviews, and providing intentional language engagement opportunities (such as puzzlers), educators can create a learning environment that promotes strong comprehension and empowers students to succeed. Part 2 - Planning Grade Level: 3rd Grade VA Standard of Learning (Science or Social Studies) * VA SOL: 3.5 Students should investigate and understand the existing relationship among organisms in terrestrial and aquatic food chains. Some of the key concepts include consumers, producers, and decomposers in the food chain. VA Standard of Learning (ELA): * VA SOL 3.4: Students to expand vocabulary when reading by using knowledge of roots, synonyms, and affixes; determine word meaning through context; identify any figurative language; and determine meaning through context. * VA SOL 3.4: Students to use effective oral communication in a variety of settings such as asking relevant questions, participating in collaborative conversations with peers, and responding to comments, among others. * VA SOL 3.6: Students to read and demonstrate comprehension by asking and answering questions on what they read; identify main ideas; summarize all supporting details; and locate information to support understanding. Common Core Standard: * CCSS.ELA-LITERACY. RL.3.2 Recounting stories such as folktales, fables, and myths from different cultures to determine central lessons, and moral lessons, am...
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