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The Socioeconomic Benefits of Schooling Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

After reading the three files I give, and answer the following question

1. What is the field of comparative and international education, and what are some of the benefits, but also risks, of comparing education across countries?

2. What are some of the different approaches and methods to comparing education internationally? In what ways is comparative education a "natural science" versus an "interpretive social science"? How do problems of "ethnocentricity," language, and the unit of analysis challenge our attempts to be "scientific" in a certain way?

3. According to Shields, what characterizes the "birth of the development era"? What assumptions define "human capital" and "modernization" theories, and how are some of those assumptions expressed in the work of so-called "aid agencies"? How would you define development, and does this match well the prevailing theories and concepts of development through modern schooling?

4. According to Sutton, what are some of the ways that schools attempt to create the "modern" subject or citizen? How does culture affect the development of schools?

Each question should be one individual paragraph, no begin paragraph and no end paragraph, only write 4 paragraphs


Comparative Education and Development


In groups of 2 or 3, answer the following questions. Designate a ‘reporter’ for each set of questions to share with the rest of class.

--What are some of the traits of the field of comparative and international education, and what are some of the benefits, but also risks, of comparing education across countries? (Shields, pp. 2-4)

--What are “educational discourses” and why does Shields say they are important? (Shields, pp. 5-6)  Think of some examples of educational discourses that have been prevalent in the past or are prevalent today: Do you agree or disagree with them?

--According to Shields, the "birth of the development era" occurs after World War 2.   What is typically meant by “development,” and do you agree with these prevailing usages of the term?  What assumptions define "human capital" and "modernization" theories of development, and how/why are schools deemed essential to achieve modernization (Shield and Sutton)?  


Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Socio-economic Benefits of Schooling
The Socio-economic Benefits of Schooling
The author’s main points revolve around schooling and culture changes in the twentieth century. First, Sutton posits that schooling of children is a global cultural change which has facilitated the spread of values and beliefs that were once held by people in the West. Children spend much time in schools learning on how to be modern and less time with their elders learning their traditional values. However, local societies do not just take the values from the West but have also integrated their values in the schooling system, to allow for continuity of those values. This has been facilitated by the people disseminating the knowledge, in this case, teachers, who are part of the local societies. Second, the author reveals that the schooling of children has opened up opportunities not only for children but also for the communities and groups that are concerned with development. It is through schooling that girls and boys have been exposed to similar knowledge and ideas and although equality is still far from being achieved, schools are opening the way and leading communities towards equality.
I found the concept of girls’ schooling to be quite enlightening in the sense that instead of focusing on the barriers that have been placed against the girl child, those concerned with women equality have now placed their focus on schooling the girl child. The author notes that “…the schooling experience is becoming as normal to girlhood as ...
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