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Assistive Technology Device Matrix for Students With Identified Language Disabilities

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Assistive technology (AT) is a supplemental resource that may be a mandated requirement for many students with disabilities within their IEPs. In a typical resource room, there are a variety of AT devices that may be incorporated into instruction by the special education teacher.
Research two low tech, two high tech, two augmentative, and two alternative assistive technology devices appropriate for students with previously identified mild to moderate language disabilities.
For each assistive technology device researched, complete the “Assistive Technology Device Matrix Template.”
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using documentation guidelines, which can be found in the Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assistive Technology Device Matrix
Institutional Affiliation
Course name & number
Due date
Assistive Technology Device Matrix Template
Assistive Technology Device

Potential Uses



Application for Which Disorder(s)

Application in the Classroom (Inclusion, Resource, Self-Contained, or mix?)

Low Tech Assistive Technology

1 Sensory input items, for instance, fidgets.

-The toys help students focus on learning by reducing self-stimulation behavior such as tapping things and twirling hair (Biel, 2017, pp. 12-13).
-Fidget toys helps in self-regulation by calming down and directing children’s attention and behavior toward class (Biel, 2017, pp. 12-13).
-The toys decrease stress and anxiety levels experienced by some students by focusing their minds and attention away from various stressors and on to the toy.

-Fidget toys helps the students focus and be attentive advances learning by enabling their brain to sift out additional sensory information.
- Fidgets improve students’ attention through manipulation of the toys, enabling the student to concentrate on learning (Biel, 2017, pp. 13).
-According to Biel (2017, pp.13), the toys enhance effective learning by activating both brain hemispheres through muscle movement and sensory stimulation.

-The toys such as fidget spinners are distracting as students tend to concentrate more on them.
-Since fidget gadgets are toys, students are prone to utilizing them for enjoyment instead of helping them focus.

-Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Sensory Processing Disorder and, Autism (Biel, 2017, pp. 12)

-The items are applied in class as inclusion materials.

2 Large print text

-The large print materials offer magnified reading materials that visually impaired students can easily read.
-It enables students to navigate through class materials, thereby identifying different letters, which is paramount when reading and completing assignments (Senjam, 2019, pp. 86-88).

-Enlarges reading materials, making it possible for those who need them to participate in learning just like other students.
-It promotes efficient reading of written materials (Senjam, 2019, pp. 86-88).

-The significant print texts are limited in availability for all students’ reading needs.
-The materials can be challenging to see and read due to poor reproduction and contrast.

-Visual-motor deficit (Senjam, 2019, pp. 86)

Large print texts are incorporated in classrooms as a mix of inclusion materials that offers each student an equal learning ground and resources.

High Tech Assistive Technology

3 Hearing aid

-The electronic device increases the sounds in a classroom, enabling students with hearing problems to listen, converse and actively participate in learning.

-Hearing aids are paramount in learning as they improve the signal-to-noise ratio, enabling students to hear what the teacher is teaching.
-According to Healthy Hearing (2021), it helps develop communication skills, promoting social interaction in class.
-Hearing aids also positively impact a student’s ability to develop vocabulary and sentence structure, which promotes high academic success (Victory, 2021).

- Hearing aids magnify all noises in an environment of people talking, chairs moving, and paper swirling, making it difficult for a student to concentrate in a noisy classroom.
-Their use restricts a student’s sitting area, whereby the further one is from the teacher, the harder it is to hear.

-Receptive language disorder.

Hearing aids are applied as inclusion materials that ensure students can understand the language being communicated with and equally participate in learning.

4 Speech recognition software

-The technology is utilized to recognize speech and allow one’s voice to act as the primary interface between an individual and a computer. Thus, one can type, read or research class materials by having their speech translated into text materials (National Center for Technology Innovation, 2010).

- It promotes quality writing for students with learning disabilities by focusing on their speech input strength.
- It promotes students’ independence by helping them shift their focus from writing to expressing their thoughts and understanding of materials (National Center for Technology Innovation, 2010).

- It consumes a lot of students’ time and energy to learn how to use it, configure it to one’s voice, understand its different mechanisms, and correct mistakes, which can be frustrating (National Center for Technology Innovation, 2010).
- It requires a student to differentiate between speaking and writing skills, which can be difficult for young lea...
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