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Reading Comprehension: Strategies, Activities, and Rational

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Assessment Description

When teaching students to comprehend and summarize text, teachers can use a variety of activities before, during, and after reading to help students understand elements within a plot. Utilizing appropriate strategies that incorporate summarizing skills helps to increase students’ reading comprehension skills.

Use the “Reading Comprehension Template” to complete this assignment.

Part 1: Strategies

Research and summarize, in 250-500 words, a minimum of five strategies for teaching adolescent students with deficits in their reading comprehension skills. Identify the conditions under which the chosen strategies are intended to be delivered (e.g., content area, class setting, required resources, if intended for a specific type of disability).

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Part 2: Activity

Identify a group of 2-3 eighth grade students, using the “Class Profile,” who would benefit from additional instruction on reading comprehension skills.

Identify a text appropriate to use with the small group identified. You may use Appendix B of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards to help you determine an appropriate text for the lesson.

Draft a 250-500 word outline summarizing three activities to reinforce reading comprehension and summarizing skills, utilizing the identified text. Incorporate at least three of the strategies from Part 1 into your activities.

Part 3: Rationale

In 250-500 words, rationalize your instructional decisions in Part 2 of this assignment. Explain how the identified strategies and activities enhance the language development of adolescents with deficits in their reading comprehension skills. Cite the “Class Profile” where appropriate.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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Appendix B of the Common Core English Language Arts Standards -- ATTACHED

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Comprehension: Strategies, Activities, & Rational
Date Reading Comprehension: Strategies, Activities, & Rational  Part 1: Strategies Strategy 1: Activating and using prior knowledge to make connections Prior knowledge is unique to each reader based on where they live or where they have been brought up and the context within the family or area of residence. It refers to the sum of all knowledge and experiences that readers or students bring to the classroom (Kikas et al., 2021). Such experiences and knowledge may include personal, cultural, and current knowledge of concepts. Under the cultural, for instance, examples include specific traditions, rituals, art, music, food, and rites of passage. Under the personal on the other hand, examples include traveling experience, hobbies, interests, social/religious groups, specific duties, and roles, among others. This strategy is ideal in a classroom setting for students with comprehension activities and particularly where there is only one such student. The minimum number of students allows a teacher to understand this prior knowledge. Prior knowledge is key because it provides a foundation on which students can make connections from the current text as part of comprehension. Strategy 2: Application of Context Clues Context clues are part of a text structure whose understanding helps in the comprehension and summarization of text. They are also hinting that an author may provide a text to help readers follow the story or content. A key problem that hinders comprehension, for instance, is new words or phrases that appear alien to the reader. In this case, using context cues by focusing on words or phrases directly before and after the word or phrase whose meaning is not yet established (Nippold, 2017). The strategy is an idea for a classroom with many students who struggle to comprehend text. In this strategy, issues like roots & affixes, contrast, logic, definition, example/illustrations, and grammar are considered. For example, illustrating the meaning of a word using literal or visual explanations can help students determine the meaning of words within the context of the text. Strategy 3: Practice PQ4R PQ4R is a strategy consisting of six steps: preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review. Within the preview, students peruse the material to get a rough overview of what it is all about. As part of this process, students are encouraged to ask different questions about the text. Answering these questions while reading enhances comprehension (Rahmadia & Fatimah, 2020). The four Rs require the student to read the material, reflect on the content, recite or summarize the major points, and review the material to establish whether the initial questions have been answered satisfactorily. The approach is ideal in a classroom with many students who lack comprehension skills because the steps can be followed by all students at the same time within one lesson. Strategy 4: Promotion of Cooperative Discussions In this strategy, students are encouraged to cooperate with each other, querying and understanding what peers make of the text. The method is an idea in an inclusive classroom where students are working within groups. The strategy allows learners to build the confidence in their text comprehension by explaining their understanding to the rest of the group members (Nippold, 2017). In essence, students learn from peers instead of the instructor, which increases their chances of comprehending and summarizing the given text. Strategy 5: Taking Notes or Annotated Texts In this strategy, students are encouraged to read the text more than once. In the second or subsequent reading sessions of the same text, they are encouraged to make notes of the things they understand or anticipate from the flow of the plot within the text (Nippold, 2017). The strategy is an idea for a classroom setting that has limited resources because it encourages students to be resourceful and self-reliant. Part 2: Activities              Based on the class profile, the students who will benefit more from an extra set of activities to enhance text comp...
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