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Assignment: Week 15
Essay Instructions:
• Complete all components of Assignment: Week 15.
o Activity 1: Respond to the prompts/questions based on Chapter 22 of Salvia et al., 2017.
o Activity 2: Respond to the prompts/questions based on Chapter 23 of Salvia et al., 2017.
See attachment(s) for complete instructions.
Length: Two pages for both activities
APA style: Include in-text citations and a reference list that includes the course text and any additional references.
Single MS Word document
Assignment: Week 15
Length: Two pages for both activities
APA style: Include in-text citations and a reference list that includes the course text and any additional references.
Activity 1: The following assignment is based on Chapter 22 of Salvia et al., 2017.
1. What legal requirements for state and school district assessment and accountability
systems are specified in Every Student Succeeds Acts (ESSA) and IDEA 2004? Search the Internet for information pertaining to ESSA, and summarize that information in your response to the question above. You can find information pertaining to IDEA 2004 in the required chapter reading.
2. Explain the difference between system and student accountability.
3. Identify and define five terms used to describe accountability systems.
4. What is alternate assessment and why is it used?
5. Name and describe the functions of three types of teams commonly formed in school settings.
Activity 2: The following assignment is based on Chapter 23 of Salvia et al., 2017.
1. What are some potential barriers to communicating effectively about assessment with parents? What are some ways to overcome these barriers?
2. Watch the YouTube videos “A Non-Collaborative IEP Meeting” and “Example of a Successful IEP Meeting.” Discuss 3-5 ways in which IEP meetings can be made more collaborative.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment Week 15: Activity 1 and 2
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Assignment Week 15: Activity 1 and 2
Activity 1
Every Student Succeeds Acts (ESSA) and IDEA 2004 Legal Requirements for State and School District Assessment and Accountability Systems
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 specifies two main legal requirements. The IDEA requires that students with disabilities take part in state assessment systems and that reports include information on the scale to which students met the state-specified standards (Salvia et al., 2017). The act also requires that alternate assessments and appropriate accommodations be included for the students who cannot effectively partake in the formal assessments. Every Student Education Act (ESSA) requires that all students participate in on-grade assessments to meet accountability expectations, that assessments provide reasonable adaptations and accommodations to measure students' academic achievement, and that schools are accountable to the public for educational achievements (May, 2023).
The Difference Between System and Student Accountability
System accountability is designed to enhance educational programs and is the focal point of federal education remedy efforts, while student accountability is invented to inspire students to perform their best.
Five Terms Used to Describe Accountability Systems
* Accountability- is putting assessment outcomes to use to verify that schools are moving in the favored direction.
* Accountability system- is a plan to demonstrate the set requirements or components of accountability.
* Benchmark- is the minimum level of performance needed of all students at a particular time.
* Alignment- is the match among instruction, content standards, curriculum, performance standards, and assessments regarding knowledge and skill predictions.
* Accommodations are the substitutes mad...
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