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Assignment 3: Instructional Leadership Skills, Part 3

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 3: Instructional Leadership Skills, Part 3 Due Week 7 and worth 170 points Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1-5. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1.Make revisions to Assignment 2 based on feedback from your professor. 2.Predict at least three (3) challenges to and two (2) benefits of collaboration. 3.Analyze at least three (3) key issues of developmental supervision / leadership, highlighting ways to approach the issues effectively. 4.Analyze at least three (3) issues involved in evaluating teacher (or trainer) performance, highlighting the challenges for someone not in an official supervisory role. 5.Compare and contrast the characteristics of formative and summative teacher evaluations, highlighting the benefits and limitations of each method of evaluation. 6.Develop a coaching and mentoring instrument that reflects a selected evaluation approach and is designed to support the official evaluation by the principal (or supervisor). 7.Provide at least three (3) relevant and credible references (published within the past five years), documented according to APA, to support your views. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: -Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. -Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page, revision of the precious assignment, and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: -Analyze issues that instructional supervisors / leaders encounter when developing successful learning environments. -Develop a philosophy of instructional supervision to include various roles, such as agent of change within the school or district, champion of academic excellence and integrity, advocate for student success, coach and / or mentor for teacher performance improvement, and mentor for career and professional development of teachers within the context of adult learning needs and priorities. -Analyze basic concepts, principles, theories, and skills of instructional supervision and leadership. -Recommend methods and a rationale for applying various models, steps, and tools available to supervisors and / or teachers in leadership roles to use in observation, mentoring, peer coaching, evaluation, and / or intervention processes to improve teaching and learning. -Evaluate the intents, processes, and outcomes of summative and formative teacher performance evaluation. -Design a professional development workshop for instructional supervisors / leaders. -Use technology and information resources to research issues in instructional supervision and leadership. -Write clearly and concisely about instructional supervision and leadership using proper writing mechanics. ***SCENARIO*** Scenario for Assignments 1-5 Imagine that the superintendent of the large school district where you teach has asked each principal to appoint one (1) instructional leader per school to be responsible for instructional leadership, mentoring, and guiding the department heads. Your principal appointed you because you have twenty (20) years of teaching experience in three (3) school districts, and have a great rapport with teachers, students, and parents. In addition, you have recently completed your master's of education with a focus on instructional leadership (or a related academic discipline) and your principal (or manager) likes the new ideas you have proposed at staff meetings. As the appointed instructional leader, you will be given one less class to teach, so you will have a free period to be involved with mentoring and supporting the principal in his / her goal of teacher excellence and continued professional development. One of your first tasks is to design a four (4) hour instructional supervision / leadership workshop for the educational organization's nine (9) department heads and nine (9) assistants, which will take place one (1) week before teachers start the new year. Although you, the department heads, and their assistants do not have personnel management responsibilities, you are all responsible for providing instructional supervision and leadership for new and experienced teachers. The principal requested that you submit the workshop proposal in stages so he or she can review and provide feedback on each part of the workshop. (Your professor for this course will play the role of the principal. You will be expected to take the feedback from your professor and incorporate it into revisions.) There will be five (5) assignments. Assignments Week Assignment 1: Workshop Proposal, Part 1 3 Assignment 2: Objectives, Motivation, and Challenges, Part 2 (Revise Part 1 based on feedback from the professor.) 5 Assignment 3: Instructional Leadership Skills, Part 3 (Revise Part 2 based on feedback from the professor.) 7 Assignment 4: Support Teachers' (Trainers') Professional Development, Part 4 (Revise Part 3 based on feedback from the professor.) 9 Assignment 5: Presentation of Workshop Design, Part 5 10
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Instructional leadership skills Name: Institution: Nowadays effective leadership skills integrate traditional school leadership roles including teacher supervision, maintenance of facilities and evaluation with specific aspects of learning and teaching. Instructional leaders also look into the instructional and curricular matters that affect school performance in a world where technology has become a vital tool in the education sector. However, instructional leaders and supervisors need to liaise with other stakeholders and perform evaluation on a regular basis. This paper will look into challenges, benefits of collaboration, key issues in developmental leadership, issues in evaluating teachers, summative, formative evaluations and propose a mentoring instrument in line with evaluation. Collaboration is a time consuming venture that requires effective communication to all stakeholders. Thus, collaboration also requires a lot of negotiation to avoid conflicts between supervisors and teachers, the results of the process are not instant and supervisors have to accommodate different personalities and teaching styles. In addition, the evaluation may be unable to highlight on individual weakness and strengths when carried out on a group. Collaboration requires the cooperation of both parties and teachers may be unwilling to work together with supervisors if they the think that there are being undermined. Hence, for supervisors the collaboration process ought to factor in feedback from teachers and incorporate information from them. This ensures that there are clear set goals and objectives which are understood by the parties (Gupton, 2009). Collaboration is a vital aspect of instructional leadership as various stakeholders work effectively when they utilize the talents of the members. In essence, instructional leaders recognize that they cannot succeed on there own and must hence build trust with others in the decision making process. Collaboration is positively correlated with teacher satisfaction and hob retention. This scenario happens because teachers feel that they are appreciated, building mutual trust with both teachers and students ensures that there are clear objectives on the school curriculum. Thus, learning is effective and job motivation is higher when there is clarity on what is expected of them. Collaboration also improves school achievement rates as collaboration mainly involves curriculum development, teacher evaluation and the impact of instructions. For instructional leaders collaboration provides opportunities in which there is a continuous review of instructional improvement, there are recommendations to be followed after each assessment or review. Additionally, collaboration could involve planning schedules and sharing of information better instructional methods. In some instances instructional leaders provide technical assistance to teachers which improve the learning process and consistently make the efforts to enhance instruction. Through collaboration, instructional leaders can foster harmony in staff dedicated staff with similar goals of improving education standards rather than each having there own techniques. In developmental supervision the leaders are involved in collaboration, directive or non directive aspects of instructional leadership which is matched with the stage of development in the teacher or a group of teachers (Gupton, 2009). Thus, one of the issues in developmental leadership is identifying the conceptual level of a teacher and then matching with the appropriate supervisory approach. Additionally, the supervisors are faced with the task of linking the supervision process with professional development, this could potentially be challenging as leaders ought to be agents of change. The teaching professional is constantly changing and no single philosophy is applicable to all education intuitions. Supervisors should not just be agents of change, but should also enhance the working culture in these institutions. Evaluating teacher performance is faced with challenges as supervisors as there is no standard measurement criterion ...
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