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Review of Flight 93

Essay Instructions:
While many of us have some basic knowledge of the terrorist attacks, including the story of United Flight 93, the assignment this week will examine the flight crash situation in depth. To prepare this assignment, you are required to research the flight, the crash, and the people involved. Find information on the individual passengers on the plane, the crew, the terrorists, and what is known about the events between take off and the crash. Your final paper should include: Summary of your research and findings Profile of an individual you researched Description of how that individual's story supports the position you have chosen
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Flight 93 Review
Professor Name:
(February, 2013)

It is more than ten years now since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack within the American soil. This incident will remain in the minds of the Americans forever. Longman agrees that since then every thing changed for good; the safest place on earth was no longer safe. This unthinkable incident resulted in the loss of nearly 3000 innocent Americans (Longman, 2003). Buell says The Americans remember vividly the coordinated hijacking of the three American passenger planes that left the world trade centre twin towers no more and the spoiled part of the pentagon in Arlington (Buell, 2003). However, do Americans really remember the fourth plane bounded for Washington that crashed into an open field in Somerset country, Pennsylvania, killing all the passengers, the crew and the four terrorist on board? This paper captures the whole ordeal between its take off and crashing. And further examines all what is known of the people on board including the terrorist.
The morning on September 11, 2001 started like a normal day. The American people were busy on their daily routine as usual. Neither did they know innocent sons, daughters, fathers, nor would mothers be victims of the terrorist. Kashurba notes that the United Airlines Flight 93, bound for San Francisco, was scheduled to depart Newark International at 8 in the morning, but it was delayed for 41 minutes due to heavy runway traffic and construction going on in the airport (Kashurba, 2002). Once the plane was airborne the terrorist took control. In few minutes, the crew and the passengers could only call their loved ones and the officials to inform them of what had happened. Barret is to the opinion that from them they learned about the horrific events in New York and in Washington caused by other planes that had been hijacked (Barret, 2002). They also learned that the hijackers were coordinated and their plane was part of the mission. According to Barret after realizing this brave passengers and crew members headed by Tom Burnett, Mark Bingham, Todd Beamer, and Jeremy Glick planned to take over the control of the plane. The courageous men and women aboard Flight 93 had to prevent those terrorists from hitting their selected target, probably the White House or the US Capitol. In the process of taking over the plane, Elearn says the plane come down and crashed in a field near a wooded area in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, in Somerset County, a slight 20 minutes by air from the White House. All 33 passengers and 7 crewmembers were killed tragically but achieved their goal (Elearn, 2009).
The passengers in the flight were forty including the crew. According to Barret they were: Christian Adams, Lorraine Bay (crew), Todd beamer, mark Bingham, , ...
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