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Assignement 3

Essay Instructions:
Please see the attached links and textbook, Also please see the attached key math graph to complete the key math activity Requirement 1. Complete all components below of Assignment: Week 3. a. Key Math Activity ( see below ) b. Confidence Interval Activity ( see below) c. Respond to prompts related to the Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills. 2. See description below for complete instructions. 3. Length: Three pages total, for all components of Assignment 3. 4. APA style: Include in-text citations and a reference list that includes the course text and any additional references. 5. Single MS Word Document Description: 1. Review Chapter 4 (focus on standard deviation, normative sample, and norm-referenced interpretations). Regarding standard deviation, focus on developing a broad understanding of the concept (no need to be concerned with calculations). 2. Complete the attached Key Math application activity. ( also please see attached key math graph ) 3. Review Chapter 5 (focus on Standard Error of Measurement and Confidence Intervals). Also, see the sections of the PPT that discuss these concepts. There is also a helpful video link on the attachment. Again, focus on a broad understanding. You will complete a very simple problem (adding and subtracting) for the activity that accompanies this reading. Complete Part 2 of this document: Confidence Interval Activity. 4. Go to the Pearson website. In the search bar, enter "Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills." Click on "Product Details." Scroll down to "Resources." Review the K-SEALS technical information link. Respond to the following questions/prompts: (a) What types of derived scores does this assessment report? Briefly describe them (Include the mean and standard deviation for standard scores). (b) Briefly report on the test's norms in terms of the diversity of the sample.   Part 1: Key Math Activity Complete the questions that follow: The KeyMath–3 DA provides several types of derived scores that are useful for interpreting performance and for communicating results to parents and practitioners. Standard scores (mean = 100; SD = 15), confidence intervals, grade and age equivalents, percentile ranks, and descriptive categories are used to describe Area and Total Test performance. 1. Briefly explain the concept of standard deviation. Discuss Tommy’s test score (standard score) in Basic Concepts in relation to standard deviation (i.e., number of standard deviations above or below the mean). 2. Briefly explain the concept of percentile rank. Discuss Tommy’s test score in Basic Concepts in relation to percentile rank.   Part 2: Confidence Interval and Standard Error of Measurement: Interpreting Scores The following activity is based on Chapter 5 of the Salvia et al. (2017) text. The following video will also be helpful: https://youtu(dot)be/FdZIIGMINmw Review the scoring example below. Using the table “Confidence Levels (below),” a student score of 100, and a Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) of 5, (a) determine the student’s range of scores at the 99% confidence level, (b) explain what happens to the range as the confidence level increases. Example: 68% confidence level desired • Student’s Score = 100 • SEM = 5 • 5 x 1 = 5 (1 is the factor by which the standard error is multiplied when a 68% confidence interval is desired. See table below) • Upper limit of confidence level = 105 (i.e., 100 + 5) • Lower limit = 95 (i.e., 100 – 5) • The student’s score is reported as 100 ± 5, with a probability of 68% that the student’s true score lies within that range (In other words, we can be 68% confident that the student's score lies within the reported range of 95 - 105). Confidence Levels Confidence Level Desired Factor By Which Standard Error is Multiplied 68% 1.00 85% 1.44 90% 1.64 95% 1.96 99% 2.58   Part 3: Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills 1. Click this link for "Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and Language Skills on the Pearson Website." Under “Product Details”, Scroll down to "Resources." Review the K-SEALS technical information link. 2. Respond to the following questions/prompts: a. What types of derived scores does this assessment report? Briefly describe them (Include the mean and standard deviation for standard scores). b. Briefly report on the test's norms in terms of the diversity of the sample.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Assignment Week 3 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Professor’s Name Due Date Assignment Week 3 Part 1: Key Math Activity Standard deviation is a key measure for education assessment that shows how data points are dispersed around the data set's average. Standard deviation is obtained by finding the positive square root of the variance of the dataset in consideration. One of the advantages of standard deviation is that it can show the proportion of data points between the mean and a certain standard level (Salvia et al., 2017). For example, in Tommy's case, the average for the assessment is 100, and the standard deviation is 15. In 'Basic Concept' and 'Application', Tommy's scores are two standard deviations from the average. Therefore, his performance in ‘Basic concepts’ and ‘application’ is below average, while he scores average in ‘operations’ as a test area. His total test composite is two standard deviations below the mean. Therefore, Tommy’s general performance can be considered below average in the assessment. A Percentage rank is a way of showing the percentage of people in an assessment who record a particular score or are below the score. For instance, Tommy records a percentile rank of 4% and 6% in ‘Basic Concepts’ and ‘Application’, indicating that he scored the same as or better than those of 4% and 6% of the other students to whom he is being compared. In reference to his overall score, he records a percentile rank of 9% in the total score, which implies his score is equal to or better than those of 9% of the students who took the assessment. Alternatively, 92% of the assessed students earned scores equal to or better than Tommy's. Part 2: Confidence Interval Activity Student score = 100 SEM = 5 Confidence level desired factor at 99% = 2.58 =5 × 2.58 =12.9  Upper limit = 100 + 12.9 = 12.9 Lower limit = 100 - 12.9 = 87.1 Range = 100 ±...
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