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Andragogy and How Its Application Helps Adults Learn Better

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3 Learning Theory Application

Select one of the learning theories from the content or readings. (Andragogy) Explain how you will apply the theory to an original content or instructional activity in an adult education context. Include explanations about how the theory and application helps adults learn better.

Submit either a 2-3 page paper (not including the cover page and reference page). Include citations and references and adhere to APA 7th edition style. Must include a conclusion heading as well. Points knocked off for that last time.

Assignment 3 (Week 4) Learning Theory Application Grading Rubric

Criterion Point Value

1. Assignment is in a Word document or PowerPoint (and if in a PowerPoint, includes images and text) and accurately applies a learning theory from the course to an original adult education lesson or learning activity 35 pts

2. Assignment includes at least 3 in-text citations from the body of literature on andragogy; accurate examples; and explanations 40 pts

3. Assignment follows APA 7th edition style and scholarly writing conventions-including references 15 pts

4. Assignment is submitted on time and includes self-assessment using this rubric 10 pts

TOTAL 100 pts

Notes from class: Attention Please: Students will follow the American Psychological Association (APA) manual as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the University. Assignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follow the citation style cited in the APA manual.

Websites: Do not quote or paraphrase published sources, including assigned readings and Web- based sources, without explicit reference to the original work. Credit the source using APA style. Cutting and pasting from a website without citing the electronic source is plagiarism, as is taking phrases, sentences and/or paragraphs from textbooks without referencing the source. Documents/Files: When uploading assignments, make sure they are in doc, docx, or RTF format. Make sure to properly format papers (or PowerPoint) with a cover sheet. Use black 12 Times New Roman, Arial, or other appropriate font. Adhere to the essentials of Standard American English grammar, word choice, spelling, and punctuation and APA 6th edition.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Learning Theory Application Essay on Andragogy
Author's Name
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Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
Malcolm Knowles is credited with developing the idea of andragogy, which refers to the process of adult education and emphasizes the concepts of self-directed, problem-centered, and experiential learning (Atwood & Axt, 2021). The incorporation of this idea into an innovative method of instruction for adult students has the potential to facilitate the improvement of those students' overall knowledge and ability levels.
Consider incorporating some of the ideas from andragogy into the creation of an online educational module that would be geared toward adult students who are interested in expanding their knowledge of financial matters. Self-directed learning, which is also referred to as autonomous learning, is a strategy that adults favor. It is because people want to exercise control over their educational activities. It is advised that a pre-assessment exam be given as part of the instructional framework to verify students' existing knowledge relative to the subject matter of money and discover students' specific areas of interest for further research and learning (Chen, 2013). It can be accomplished by administering the quiz. It contributes to developing a healthy feeling of self-efficacy and makes acquiring new knowledge easier.
Make the most of the experience and insight offered by adult educators to your advantage. Include discussion platforms or exchanges between peers to enable individuals' dialogue discussing their specific financial issues and the techniques they took to solve those challenges. This collaborative method makes it easier for the group to learn new things and draws on the collective wisdom and experience of the group members (Chen, 2013). Adult students place a high premium on material that instantly applies to their everyday life because they are looking for information to help them improve their situation in the here and now, creating hypothetical situations and conducting case studies based on actual financial challenges faced in the real world, such as creating a budget for key life events or planning for retirement funds (Foote, 2015). Because of this association, a connection can be made between abstract ideas and their implementation in the real world, increasing the value of the education received.
Taking a problem-oriented approach means planning activities for pupils in which they are given real-world monetary problems to solve. One instructive example is the development of a simulation in which students are responsible for determining how to invest the retirement savings of a fictitious character (Foote, 2015). Due to this, individuals can acquire critical thinking skills and problem-solving capabilities more quickly. Implementation Immediately Allows students and other learners to immediately put the skills and information they have gained to use. Make available to individuals tools such as spending plans and investment calculato...
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