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More Practice with Objectives and High-Quality Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Please write 2 discussions on separate pages, each discussion on each page. please see the attached document and chapter.

There will be 2 threads in this discussion:

Thread 1: More Practice with Objectives

Ms. M is a 7th-grade social studies teacher. Her students are working on a thematic unit on Black History Month. Ms. M introduced several historically important Black Americans and the class discussed the contributions made by the individuals and the sociocultural aspects of the time period in which they lived. Next, each student was asked to research and report on a famous African American in history, discussing their life and contributions.

Write 3 objectives that students must master in this unit. Ensure that at least 1 of the objectives is at DOK Level 3 or 4.

When you reply to your classmates, be critical (in a nice but constructive way). Consider whether their objectives are standards-based, specific, clear, and measurable. Remember to be on the lookout for words not to use in objectives.

Thread 2: High-Quality Assessment

Reflect on both this week's PowerPoint and the readings.

• What did you learn about ensuring that assessments are of high quality? What does that mean to you now?

• Do you always see high-quality assessments in your fieldwork or teaching experience? How do you know?

• What strategies can you use to ensure that the assessments you give students are high-quality?


• Course concepts, theories, or materials correctly included.

• Examples or supporting evidence from course readings and lectures.

• Application of relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences to extend the dialogue.

• Support and valid position with applicable knowledge from course readings and other sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussions (Discussion Board)
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Discussions (Discussion Board)
Thread 1
Like other teachers, Ms. M has some objectives guiding her as a social studies teacher. One of the objectives is that the student can master citizenship skills. These skills will help the students create good relations with others while working with them. This process would help them employ cooperative measures, which could help them attain common goals while working together with others to improve their communities. The following interpersonal skills would mainly focus on taking responsibility, resolving conflicts, cooperating, accepting differences, negotiating, building consensus, and making decisions collaboratively while learning how to handle dissent.
The other objective that the student should have is to master critical and creative thinking skills. The following skill will help the student make observations effectively, which helps them make decisions that help them solve problems while employing forward-thinking strategies. These skills include the student's ability to connect with different concepts while employing different tools. Critical thinking also includes applying criteria and evidence to make judgments based on reasons. These judgments are composed of differentiating fact and opinion, interpreting and evaluating the information and ideas, and tracing varying perspectives and biases while determining the decisions and actions' consequences. Mastering creative thinking also helps the student to have divergent thinking while generating ideas and possibilities while exploring different ways to approach questions.
The other objective that the student should attain is to understand economics. For example, the student should be able to apply various intellectual skills that help show the student comprehens...
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