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An administrator's influence resides more firmly in creating and monitoring the structures and processes through which decisions are made with input/participation of organizational members supported by an effective net work of communications rather than the leader making a large number of terminal decisions that are required to be made in a complex organisation.”

Essay Instructions:
An administrator's influence resides more firmly in creating and monitoring the structures and processes through which decisions are made with input/participation of organizational members supported by an effective net work of communications rather than the leader making a large number of terminal decisions that are required to be made in a complex organisation.” Discuss the above statement assuming that the complex organisation referred to above is your own working organisation. in the process of your discussion you are expected to draw from your theoretical knowledge as a student of educational of administration and relate it to the practical problems and issues involved.
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Running head: ADMINISTRATOR`S INFLUENCE ON AN ORGANIZATION Administrator`s Influence on an organization Through Decision Making Student`s Name: College Name: Instructor`s Name: Class: Abstract An organization is formed with goals that need to be met at the end of a specified period. This applies to both profit and non-profit making organizations. The goals can be met through increased performance of the employees (Carmelli, et al, 2009). An administrator is a leader of an organization, and through motivation of employees, their performance is increased, and eventually, the set goals of the organization will be achieved within the stipulated time. An administrator's influence resides more firmly in creating and monitoring the structures and processes through which decisions are made with input/participation of organizational members supported by an effective net work of communications rather than the leader making a large number of terminal decisions that are required to be made in a complex organization. Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc307925054 \h 4Administrator`s Influence through Decision Making and the Benefits PAGEREF _Toc307925055 \h 4Disadvantages of Participative Decision-Making PAGEREF _Toc307925056 \h 10Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc307925057 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc307925058 \h 12 Administrator`s Influence on an organization Through Decision Making Introduction Decision making process is a cognitive process through which a course of action is selected among a number of alternatives. In order to achieve the organization`s goals within the stipulated time and available resources, the best course of action has to be taken. An administrator in an organization plays a vital role in the decision-making process. The administrator is the one who uses participative form of leadership (Brousseau, et al, 2006). Through this form of leadership, the employees are included in the decision making process. Employees are extremely valuable assets in an organization. They should be motivated through the several ways possible to ensure that they can work to meet the goals of the organization with little or no supervision. They should be encouraged to feel the urge to work hard for the company they belong. Apart from pay and other financial incentives, there are several other ways of motivating employees. Among them is participative decision making process as it makes the employees feel appreciated. Administrator`s Influence through Decision Making and the Benefits When everybody in the organization is committed to playing his part, the result is success. Through participative decision-making, the employer/ administrator is aware of the issues that might be raised by labor unions in advance (Lengnick-Hall & Lengnick-Hall, 2009). This way, he might be able to solve the issues in advance and avoid the problems associated with labor strikes. The administrator can do this by ensuring that he includes the grievances of the employees in the decision-making process in advance. The problems that could come up such as decreased production are discouraged before they start. With participative decision-making, it does not mean that the administrator has little to do. The administrator should make sure that he has the processes and structures necessary for decision making ready. Further, he should ensure that he collects the views from his employees. It is the role of the administrator to form an informed decision after analyzing the suggestions collected. This implies that the employees do not come up with the final decision, but through their participation, they give suggestions that will help the administrator come up with informed decisions. Communication is vital in an organization. Through effective form of communication, employees are free to air their views in any meeting (Asmub & Svennevig, 2009). Whenever employees are included in the activities taking place in their organization, they feel encouraged to work. Participation is a form of employee motivation, and it works perfectly since the employees are out to achieve the targets they were involved in setting. The administrator should ensure that the processes and structures are set to fit the decision to be made. Employee participation and a strategic network of communication will be linked with the structures to come up with informed decisions. Understanding should be enhanced to avoid conflicts (Carmelli, et al, 2009). Conflicts in an organization lead to disharmony and as a result, every employee is out to satisfy his personal rather than those of the organization. An administrator is a person and has personal weaknesses. Without the assistance of other employees in the company, the formed decisions would most probably be to the administrator`s favor. However, with participative decision-making, used in many organizations including the one I work for, the realized decisions are for the betterment of the organization. According to Probst (2005), participative decision-making is "the extent to which employers allow or encourage employees to share or participate in organizational decision-making" (p. 23). The biggest aim of participative decision-making is the benefit realized from "perceived motivational effects of increased employee involvement" (Latham, 2001, p. 28). Participative decision-making has benefited a number of organizations. To start with, it gives the employees a sense of belonging. The employees feel that they have an entity to identify themselves with. This way, they feel motivated and take the organization as their own. This implies that, the employees will always work to ensure that the organization benefits and succeeds in any project implemented. Complex organization, like the one I work for, has employees from all lifestyles. The employees are from different cultural backgrounds, and for them to feel appreciated in the organization; they have to be involved in the decision-making process (Sagie & Aycan, 2003). Their views are included in the decisions made, and this makes them feel necessary in the organization. Further, with complex organizations, the administrator cannot make the decisions because he cannot be aware of all the factors affecting the performance of the organization. Only through involvement of the employees who are directly affected by the prevailing conditions in their departments could informed decisions be made. If the administrator is left to make the decision alone in such a case, the decision might fail to solve the problem at hand (Brousseau, et, al, 2006). Through participative decision-making, employees understand each other better, and they meet while discussing the best course of action to take. The employees are encouraged to engage in teamwork, and this is the best move to ensure goals of the firm are met. Carmelli, et, al (2009) argue, "In a participative decision-making process each team member has an opportunity to share their perspectives, voice their ideas and tap their skills to improve team effectiveness. As each member can relate to the team decisions, there is a better chance of their achieving the results. There is a positive relationship between ...
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