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Present a paper on comparative analysis of major theories of child development.(Erikson, Freud, Piaget, Vygotsky)

Essay Instructions:
Present a paper on comparative analysis of major theories of child development. The analysis should include four major theories of child development(Erikson, Freud, Piaget, Vygotsky). The analysis should be performed along the following lines: A) Major theoretical contentions: B) Understanding of the role of society and culture in child development: C) Understanding of the role of children\\\'s activity in their development: D) Major studies and empirical data supporting the theory: E) Major studies and empirical data challenging this theory.
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Comparative Analysis of Major Child Development [Student`s name] [Professor`s name] [Institutions] [Unit name] [Date] Comparative Analysis of Major Child Development The physical, mental, emotional and psychological changes that occur in an individual from the time of conception to death constitute an individual`s development which is used interchangeably with growth because the two processes are interrelated but other times they can be distinguished as different interties. Development is a smooth progressive series of changes that occur in a predictable pattern as a result of interaction between biological and environmental factors. Emerging and expanding of capacities of an individual to provide for greater facility in functioning confined to the qualitative changes to the person representing in the quality of function that accompany growth as the child grows he/she develops physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and morally thus termed as child development. All forms of development takes place in stages and one stage emerges from another without any real line of demarcation because such divisions are artificial; stage here describing the periods in which the function and relative emphasis of a given type of behavior differ from those other periods of life. The principles of development indicate the whole process of "establishment which include heredity and environment which sends the limit to the individual`s development in the extent to which it`s possible to him or her to develop" (Elkind, 1976 p. 67). Secondly, it`s a directional process and follows specific direction or trend both the cephalocaudal where establishment starts from anterior to posterior end and proximodistal where development begins from the central line of the body to the outermost distant parts of the body; being a whole process the aspects of development are interrelated and interdependent meaning if a child is retarded, his behavior may be retarded too; it`s an accumulated process, being gradual, additive process where changes don`t emerge suddenly so past events and experiences have implications for the future life. Moreover it proceeds from general to specific and proceeds from structural to functional development. So child development is as a result of maturation and learning and is a continuous process but not always smooth and gradual because there are periods of growth spurt (accelerated growth) at infancy and adolescence but at adulthood it slows again. The child development from dependency to autonomy requires satisfaction of both the physiological needs e.g. need for food, air, sleep and rest and self control. On the other hand the psycho-sociological needs which are secondary needs e.g. need for affection and sense to be loved, security, new experiences and intellectual stimulation, praise and recognition and responsibility in allowing a child to have some independence. The analysis sets its basis on the four major theories and their theoretical contentions of Erick Erikson, Piaget, Freud and vygotsky. Considering Erick Erikson, who synthesized Freud`s work and his own theories to come up with psychosocial theory of personality development which focused on entire lifespan of an individual from birth to old age. He developed the idea of crisis/ conflict which must be resolved in constructive and satisfactory manner for further development to be enhanced. If they could be resolved unsatisfactorily, the negative quality will interfere with further development which manifests itself in personality muljustment. According to Erikson, the principle function of the ego is to establish and maintain a sense of identity that`s the complex inner state that includes a sense of one`s individuality and uniqueness as well as a sense of wholeness and continuity with the past and future. "Identity of well organized conception of the self made up values, believes and goals to which the individual is socially committed" (Cram, Hodapp, Sayer & Upshur, 2001, p. 208). Main focus was on tasks at each stage to be accomplished to navigate life`s challenges whereby he suggested eight stages in process of development in an infancy to old age; basic trust versus mistrust (birth-2years) which sends us around on how much a child can trust the environment in participations of paternal care and love; autonomy versus doubt and shame (2-4years) which begins when a child has started to control their environment, grasping, manipulation, control of bowels thus they should be active, autonomous without feelings of shame and doubt thus should not experience excessive criticism for failure leading to a child doubting his/ her intelligence and competence; initiative versus guilt 4-6 years, the child now feels sure enough to undertake positive actions of his/ her own and negative effect is guilt from in within the child; industry versus inferiority (6-11years) which is the period of learning and mastering more basic skills needed in society and thus expected to follow rules; identity versus role confusion I adolescent is to develop identity and role taking in reality by the consideration of the societal basic consideration; intimacy versus isolation; generalitivity versus stagnation in productivity and involving achievement and personality in middle adulthood; ego integrity versus despair in old age looking at past life with satisfaction or despair. Theoretical perspective of Sigmund Freud, in his psychosexual theory of human development, from infancy onwards; whereby he had some assumptions that; behavior is motivated by unconscious thoughts, memories and feelings, life is the unfolding of the sexual instinct and early childhood experiences affect later personality and mental help. Thus he proposed that "children develop through a sequence of stages and people try to protect themselves from anxiety and other negative emotions through defense mechanisms" (Maier, 1969, p. 324). Through his component of sequential or stage he analyzed five stages of the theory of personality which demand of each stage to be fulfilled otherwise the individual becomes fixated. The first stage is; oral stage which is exemplified by infant`s pleasure stimulation in feeding and gratification from eating/ sucking. Acquisitiveness may have oral fixation thus children should be provided with adequate food and love. The second stage was anal stage whereby anal area becomes the source of pleasure and bodily functions and gratification of need by retaining or expelling waste products. Thirdly, the phallic stage about 5-6 years whereby oedipal and electra complex conflicts arises, the Oedipus complex posses the mother but fears trouble with father, castration fear so he engages in male activities while the Electra complex, the child girl desires to possess the father but fears trouble wit...
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