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Ameliorating Plagiarism and Unethical AI Practices in Universities

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: The assignment** Essay on Community** is an opportunity to practice the skills you've learned by putting them together into a larger assignment. For this essay, you will write an argument-driven, evidence-based essay that addresses a significant problem or issue in your community today.

Your goal is to argue that:

X is a problem in Y community for Z reasons, and can potentially be solved by A and/or B.

First, you will need to brainstorm ideas about a problem that affects a community that you are part of. The Writing Journal assignment should have given you a few ideas that you could use.

The purpose of this essay is to explain the problem and suggest how it might be solved.

As you plan your essay, keep in mind what your readers need to know in order to understand your community and the problem, and to be persuaded that your suggested solutions are the right ones. What will they already know that can go without saying?

Make sure you find evidence to support your points in reliable sources.** You need a minimum of 5 sources. **Please follow the APA style guide for your references and in-text citations.

Your final essay should consist of 5 paragraphs and be between 900-1100 words.


Your work should be double-spaced and typed.

All the work you complete for this assignment should be completed individually by YOU. You should not collaborate with others or outsource the completion of this assignment. -** Please refer to your syllabus for more information on the Academic Misconduct process in CIS.**


You will be scored according to the following criteria:

#Thesis: you should clearly define the central claim of your essay and the path you will take to support that claim

#Organization: you should clearly introduce and conclude your essay, organize paragraphs around ideas in a logical sequence, and structure the essay as a whole around a central thesis. You should include transitions between ideas where needed.

#EvidenceBased: you must present and explain appropriate information supporting your argument. You should select appropriate reasons and evidence in support of your claims, and you should provide enough detail and explanation for their reader to understand how and why this information supports your claim.

#Persuasion: you should apply rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, pathos) effectively. Choose the appeals that are the most appropriate for an academic essay.

#Composition: Communicate with a clear and precise style.

Assignment Information


900-1,100 words



Learning Outcomes Added

Composition: Communicate with a clear and precise style.

Thesis: Write a clear declarative sentence that takes a firm position on the topic under consideration and serves to organize the rest of the work.

Organization: Effectively organize communications.

EvidenceBased: Identify and appropriately structure the information needed to support an argument effectively.

Persuasion: Identify and appropriately use rhetorical appeals.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ameliorating Plagiarism and Unethical AI Practices in Universities

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Plagiarism and the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools by Zayed University students present formidable challenges that imperil academic integrity. In this contemporary era characterized by technological proliferation and information ubiquity, these issues undermine the very essence of education (Awasthi, 2019). This discourse advocates a proactive approach necessitating precise guidelines and policies tailored to dissuade dishonest practices and cultivate academic integrity within the Zayed University student body. It underscores the judicious incorporation of AI to augment educational endeavors and the implementation of robust safeguards against potential abuse.

Plagiarism and unethical AI practices pose significant threats to academic integrity within universities (Olivia-Dumitrina et al., 2019). Plagiarism, involving the unauthorized use of others' work without proper attribution, has become more prevalent due to the widespread availability of digital information (Awasthi, 2019). Similarly, unethical AI usage entails manipulating the web to generate content without ethical considerations (Stewart, n.d.). Both issues undermine the credibility of education and research, demanding a proactive response from higher education institutions. In Dubai, Zayed University faces a prominent issue with plagiarism, leading to discontent among educators and students. This problem has resulted in negative ratings on platforms like Glass Door, with concerns about declining standards (Swan, 2014). Zayed University confronts ethical quandaries concerning plagiarism in the era of generative AI, where traditional detection methods prove inadequate. AI-generated content raises concerns over authenticity and source verification. Privacy issues surface as AI interactions transpire externally, while technical hurdles involving capacity and documentation persist. Ethical and legal complexities ensue with the unchecked proliferation of AI-generated disinformation, deepfakes, and potential copyright infringements (Stewart, n.d.). With these, an all-encompassing approach is imperative, involving innovative tools and meticulous attention to preserving academic integrity while navigating the multifaceted landscape of AI ethics and legal implications.

Effectively addressing plagiarism and unethical AI use requires clear and regularly updated guidelines (Ta & West, 2023; Neil, 2023). Universities

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