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Childhood to Adolescence Development

Essay Instructions:

I don't need you to do the slides. Can you put all the information on 3 papers and I'll do the rest.

Introduction To Child Development

Assessment Description

It is important for educators to explore and have knowledge of the six developmental periods from childhood to adolescence. Educators should have an understanding of the implications that development has on learning at all ages.

Create a 12-15 slide digital professional development presentation for your teacher peers that includes an introduction to the stages of childhood development and specific, in-depth information about a target stage selected by you that is relevant for your colleagues.

Part 1: Overview

In this section, provide an overview of prenatal to adolescent development stages. Include the age ranges and major milestones of these periods:

Prenatal (gestational period pre-birth) 

Infancy (0-1 year) 

Toddlerhood (1-2 years) 

Early Childhood (3-8 years) 

Middle Childhood (8-11 years)

Adolescence (12-18 years)  

Part 2: Development Stage

Select one development stage that will be important for the ages you will encounter in your future career. Include the following information on the slides that dive more deeply into your selected stage:

Identify the age ranges within the stage and the major physical, linguistic, and cognitive milestones (e.g. speaks in complete sentences, understands and follows two- and three-step directions).

Provide 2-3 examples of inherited/genetic and acquired/learned characteristics that could be present in the selected developmental period (nature versus nurture).

Describe the learning needs children will have based on the milestones and characteristics of the selected developmental period.

Provide three research-based strategies that caregivers and/or educators can use to support development at this stage.

Presenter’s notes are required for each content slide. Presentation must include a title slide at the beginning and a reference slide with documentation of resources at the end. The title slide and reference slide do not count in the total number of slides.

The digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

Support your presentation with 2-3 resources.  

While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Childhood to Adolescence Development

Author’s Name

Institution of Affiliation

Course Name

Instructor’s Name


Childhood to Adolescence Development

Understanding children's growth and development milestones is an essential part of parenting. Child development involves a series of thoughts and emotional, physical, and language variations from birth to early adulthood. In this development period, a kid transitions from complete reliance on their guardians and parents to growing individuality. Childhood progress is affected by inherited aspects and situations present during prenatal life. Additionally, the process is influenced by environmental factors and the kid's learning capability. This paper discusses different child development stages, choosing one of the stages essential for the ages in a future career, the age ranges, and major physical, linguistic, and cognitive milestones in this stage. The paper further addresses examples of inherited/genetic and acquired/learned features present in this stage, learning needs in this phase, and research-based strategies that caregivers or educators can apply to support development.

During the prenatal stage, conception occurs, and child development commences. The stage comprises major structures forming, and the mother's health is of great fear. Understanding teratogens, nutrition, labor, and delivery are key issues to worry about. Moreover, infancy refers to the initial childhood development from 0-1 years. All developing infants start developing attachment relations with their care providers, where

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