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Alternative Assignment Advocacy On Immigration

Essay Instructions:

Alternative assignment - Advocacy - on Immigration

Outside of the fictionalized stories we have seen in the two (or three) movies this year that come with happy endings, the issue of immigration remains a highly charged one in our national politics and often does not have a happy end.

In lieu of a position paper, the student may choose to compose an e-mail to his local member of Congress and/or our Senators. In it, the student must take a position on ONE of three issues currently in vogue in our country:

1-Extension of DACA (Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals)- the program that, since 2012, has allowed immigrants who were brought into the country as children to remain here to work, be educated, or create a life in the US legally.

2-The admission of more refugees through asylum. The present policy of the Administration is to severely limit the number of refugees that are accepted into our country.

1) Two pages, double-spaced, word-processed, Times New Roman, 12 pt, name & class period.

2) You must refer to specific examples, anecdotes or stories from AT LEAST TWO of the movies in your paper. If you don’t remember them, you must review them on your own.

3) When defending your position, you must do so in a respectful manner. Remember: there is no single right or wrong answer to this question. It is a matter of opinion, and you are being asked to state your personal position on the topic.

4) You must give your own ideas to write this paper, using your own words. You are strongly advised to consult the Iona Prep Student Handbook regarding the policies on academic integrity. Plagiarism WILL result in a zero for this project, without the opportunity for any form of make-up! This paper is worth 10% of your fourth quarter grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy was established after the recognition that "Dreamer" students had significantly been brought up in the United States. This policy was seen as an approach to eliminate immigration enforcement consideration from "low concern" persons with good conduct. Dreamer students derive their name from the DREAM Bill: A bill that directed to give legal status to young immigrants in the United States. The DACA is currently facing challenges as the Trump administration stated last year its plan to remove it. DACA poses no adverse impacts in the United States other than it benefits the economy, and health and welfare
According to some economists, the DACA benefits the whole U. S. economy. Economists have even warned that removing DACA could negatively impact the U. S. economy; most economists generally see immigration as an economical gift (Albright, Brannon, & MCgee, 2018). This warning comes during the presidential campaign in 2016 when presidential candidate Donald Trump declared to take America back by ending the DACA program (Schwab, 2019). Truth be told: The DACA beneficiaries significantly contribute to the national economy. A national survey discovers that more than a thousand DACA beneficiaries from forty-one states, 96 percent of DACA beneficiaries are currently working or studying. It finds as well that DACA beneficiaries were able to find better jobs with higher salaries (Wong et al., 2018). Hence, it is evident that DACA recipients add value to the national economy.
Personal testimonies reveal how DACA recipient contribute immensely to the national economy. A woman named Sally was interviewed about her life story as an immigrant. She said she was ten years old when she came to America. When her family arrived, her parents could put more hours of sometimes working in several jobs, to provide for the family. She said she was forced to grow up fast, as she helped to raise her younger brother. During her high school years, she put thirteen hours a day between work and school. She said all she ever wanted wa...
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