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Understanding Babies Who Are 0-2 Year Old Through Observation

Essay Instructions:

LAB ASSIGNMENT #2: 0-2 YEAR OLD OBSERVATION 1. Select a child between 0-24 months old. Use the summary at the end of the section on the first two years as a guide in your observation. You may observe a child of family members or friends or you may select a childcare center that has infants and toddlers. 2. Remain as uninvolved as possible during your observation and spend approximately one hour observing. Take notes and record as many words, actions, and expressions that you can. Be as descriptive as possible; include body movements, facial expressions, and emotional reactions. 3. Immediately after observing, expand what you have in your notes with whatever else you remember. SECTION ONE: SETTING Date, time, place, people present, activities happening, age and sex of child. (Protect confidentiality by changing names) SECTION TWO: OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENTS OBSERVED This section should only include objective data-no opinions. Describe as clearly and specifically as possible those incidents, which you plan to comment on in the subjective section. Be as descriptive as possible and record strictly what you observe without giving your opinion. SECTION THREE: SUBJECTIVE COMMENTS: DISCUSS YOUR REACTIONS TO WHAT YOU OBSERVED. Give your opinion and relate what you observed to material from text and lecture. WHAT TO LOOK FOR: NEWBORN: TODDLERS: Physical characteristics Coordination Body proportion Balance Feeding efforts Climbing Reflexes Running 6 states of awareness Hand manipulation Emotional displays Eating behavior Sensory abilities "Pretending" Adult interactions Social contact Using toys INFANTS: Sharing Reaching and grasping Verbalizations Sitting, crawling, standing, Imitation, object permanence Climbing, walking, carrying objects, Pushing/pulling objects,

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Understanding Babies who are 0-2 YEAR OLD through Observation
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Understanding Babies Who Are 0-2 Year Old Through Observation
Naturally, babies are born as social beings. The caregivers play a vital role in the early development of babies. Babies have the ability to imitate what is in their immediate surrounding. Within few weeks of their introduction to the world, babies are able to intentionally smile or even coo as they respond to the communication from their caregiver. This is the beginning of a close relationship and bond development between the baby and the caregiver. Reflexes to stimulation is a common characteristic of infants. For instance, they are able to grasp a finger tightly when it is presented to them and in the case of loud noise, they will appear startled.
Part 1
I made a careful observation of my sister’s 2-year-old son by the name X for a period of one hour and 30 minutes at 7.30pm to 9.00pm. X’s family comprised of an elder sister, mother and father. He was anti-social to everyone else apart from the mother. He was fond of being cuddled by the mum and was emotional at all time with a slight disturbance. He could barely talk when my friend looked at him, though he knew how to pronounce the name “mum” and “daddy”.
Part 2
The baby was quite insecure in the absence of the mother and had sense of indifference to strangers. He curled his feet after his elder sister stroked him. As the mother attempted moving away from him, X kept on calling “mum” and often cried in case the mother did not respond. The boy only ate what the mother gave him and his feeding schedule was monitored. During the time...
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