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2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Water Color Pencils And Pen On Watercolor Paper

Essay Instructions:

You can write on Black Lives Matter with the art work to express your thoughts. Or you may choose any art protest you want.


Or you may choose any art protest you want.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Water color pencils and pen on watercolor paper
Title: YOU-niverse in ME
Topic: Social Protest: Peace movement
There are different ideas over what "peace" is (or should be), which results in a plurality of movements seeking diverse ideals of peace. Particularly, "anti-war" movements often have short-term goals, while peace movements advocate an ongoing life-style and proactive government policy.
This Social Protest is about convincing people to look within them and find connection with the universe. One can see an inner peace that leads to inspiration to fight for our right as one humanity. We must stop hate, and fear, by learning how to love and to accept. We are in this universe together. We live in one planet. Our choices and decisions matter. We can make inspired action when we are aware of the wonder and joy of our existence in this vast universe.
This artwork portrays an archetype of man created by the colors of the rainbow. The man is posed in a common meditation stance and mudra (Hand-gestures for prayer). He is shown meditating, connecting his consciousness with the planet Earth and the Universe. Above his head, is a Flower of life pattern made by drawing many circles that are overlapped with each other. Two contrasting circles are present at the side of the head of the man.
In this artwork, Color is the main element that was utilized to convey a message and mood of the artist. The rainbow colors symbolizes the spectrum that is present in human journey. When we do introspection, we can realize that there is a journey and a flow to existence. The rainbow colors represent the different emotions and experiences that we can have as a human being. The color yellow was used to depict an emanating bright white light from the archetypal man,...
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