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2 pages/≈1100 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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The Importance Of Education And Why Student Should Understand This

Essay Instructions:

This is a reflection paper. My case is that in my PSY 205 class, we had an assignment to read an article and answer some questions based on the article. I didn't read the assignment instruction carefully because it mentioned that students can't just copy and paste sentences directly from the article. Then after I submitted the assignment via Turnitin, the similarity is extremely high but i have no time to revise it. Afterwards, my TA said he would report this case and he told me the result may be receiving 0 points for my assignment. After a few weeks, I had a meeting with a instructor in psychology department and she told me I would have a conversation with the person in academic writing department and they would report my case as Level 1 violation. Then, when i have the meeting with the guy in academic writing apartment, I admitted the violation. I feel very sorry and won't make this kind of mistake again.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Academic Integrity Policy is not simply suggesting students be honest about school works. It encourages the students in general, to be responsible for all academic-related activities and adhere to the highest ethical standards in all school endeavors. The policy solely revolves around the importance of education and every student should understand this. Through this policy, students like me will both be inspired and disciplined as the policy states its endeavors and consequences on a specific academic violation. Knowing the fact that the student violated a certain policy, the evaluation is fair and considerate. 
Furthermore, the policy also plants seeds of honesty and integrity in each student, building something permanent rather than superficial and untrue. It also teaches students authenticity both academically and as a person. It is important to learn to be creative and authentic, not just someone who milk out or a copycat. Doing your own work coupled with honesty and high academic integrity will help students achieve so much they could possibly imagine. After reading the Academic Integrity Policy, these are all I have learned. 
In my case, my violation was plagiarism, categorized as a Level 1 violations and the most common violation types mentioned in the Academic Integrity Violation and Sanction Classification Rubric. This means that a number of students committed the same mistake as me. But this is not something we should celebrate, this should be addressed and reiterated. As for me, my violation is in Level 1 or let's say first offense. But that doesn't mean I am spared of the consequence of my action. I agree with the decision of the school about my violation and to any consequences, my action may have caused. 
When my TA found out the violation, he said that he would report this case and told me that I might get zero points for my assignment. A few weeks after, I had a meeting with my instructor in the psychology department and she told me to have a meeting with the staff in the academic writing department and would report my violation as Level 1. Without denying, I told the person in the academic writing department about what I did. My violation was plagiarism and I am very sorry for my irresponsibility. 
After being accused of the violation, I felt bad and sorry for what I did. Sense of shame started to creeps out of me and I have no face to show. Not just affecting the academic side of me but it directly affects me as a person. At that very moment, I started to beat up myself saying that I should have read the instruction carefully and not slacked. That I ended up doing my assignment right if laziness didn't intervene. I began to sort out what I could've done right to avoid such violation. But what can I do, it already happened and the best thing to do is to admit and learn from it. ...
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