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Oscar's Philosophy Response to Ethics of Care and Virtue Ethics
Essay Instructions:
Source from book 《Exploring Philosophy》"Virtue Ethics”(p349) and “The Ethics of Care” (p352)
Just write down some general analysis and some personal thoughts(this is not very professional)
The length is about 225 words.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Response to Ethics of Care and Virtue EthicsNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Virtue ethics is an important aspect in daily lives since it helps us to define whom we are and to consider other people in each of the actions we undertake. In my view, virtue ethics helps us people to be good in the society and always think of the consequences of their actions before undertaking them. It is also important that virtues define our lives every day and we can therefore use them to guide us in the decisions we make every day. Virtue ethics can also help us to develop self-awareness since we will be able ...
Virtue ethics is an important aspect in daily lives since it helps us to define whom we are and to consider other people in each of the actions we undertake. In my view, virtue ethics helps us people to be good in the society and always think of the consequences of their actions before undertaking them. It is also important that virtues define our lives every day and we can therefore use them to guide us in the decisions we make every day. Virtue ethics can also help us to develop self-awareness since we will be able ...
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