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The Visual Life Map. Creative Writing Essay. Reflection piece

Essay Instructions:

Write a reflection piece in which you discuss how the assigned readings and videos have influenced and/or impacted you in any way as you consider your educational and/or career plans. Be sure to include specific readings and/or videos – even specific quotes - to support your response.

Required Reading and Viewing:

Bakhtiozina, U. (n.d.). Wry photos that turn stereotypes upside down. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/uldus_bakhtiozina_wry_photos_that_turn_stereotypes_upside_down

Beckham, A. (n.d.). We're all hiding something. Let's find the courage to open up. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/ash_beckham_we_re_all_hiding_something_let_s_find_the_courage_to_open_up

Dichter, S. (n.d.). The Generosity Experiment. Retrieved April 18, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/sasha_dichter

Donnelly, L. (n.d.). Drawing on humor for change. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/liza_donnelly_drawing_upon_humor_for_change

Lidsky, I. (n.d.). What reality are you creating for yourself? Retrieved April 19, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/isaac_lidsky_what_reality_are_you_creating_for_yourself

Solomon, A. (n.d.). How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/andrew_solomon_how_the_worst_moments_in_our_lives_make_us_who_we_are

Waldinger, R. (n.d.). What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/robert_waldinger_what_makes_a_good_life_lessons_from_the_longest_study_on_happiness

Zayid, M. (n.d.). I got 99 problems ... palsy is just one. Retrieved April 19, 2017, from


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reading Reflection
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Reading Reflection 1
In the video titled Wry Photos that Turn Stereotypes Upside Down, artist Uldus Bakhtiozina has made the wise use of a number of photographs to poke fun at the norms of the Russian society (Bakhtiozina). At the first glimpse, I felt that a lady wearing dark outfits and heavy accessories is about to share the secret of her beauty. However, the way Uldus has talked about social norms is quite interesting and informative. Just like other states, Russia is a place with diverse cultures and traditions, and artists of this country have always come up with appealing paintings and artworks, and I, as an art student, can learn a lot from their styles and ideas.
Reading Reflection 2
Ash Beckham’s talk has touched my heart. He opens up about what happened to him and then encourages the audience to stand for their rights. When I try to apply the ideas to my own life, I get to know that things can never go smoothly. Sometimes life brings to us a lot of happy moments, and sometimes we have to face the challenges. I have always tried to cope up with the issues courageously. Beckham says that the only way to succeed is to step out of the closest (Beckham), which is indeed a good and wise message. Those who experience hardships should not give up and instead need to continue working hard.
Reading Reflection 3
This inspirational video by Sasha Dichter makes me understand that saying “yes” to every call for help is the only way to get internal satisfaction (Dichter). Whenever I am at college, and any of my class fellows need my help, instead of pretending to be busy with other things, I simply say “yes” to them because I know the worth of friends and do not want to say “no” to anyone. Personally, I think that attitude can never let us succeed in any field. Sasha’s Generosity Experiment creates awareness among people like me regarding how important it is to be cooperative and polite.
Reading Reflection 4
Liza Donnelly lives in New York City but is famous the world over for her cartoons (Donnelly). In this video, she shares her portfolio of funny and wise cartoons of modern life. Throughout the video, she encourages women to empower themselves. As a college student, I realize that how important it is for me to seek knowledge, to pass the exams, and to be friendly with everyone. I want to be a businesswoman after completing my studies, and I feel that Liza’s talk about the power of women has a lot to learn from. Women are often considered delicate, but the world is still unaware of how powerful they can be when they get the education and start working in different companies.
Reading Reflection 5
According to Isaac Lidsky, the reality is not something we perceive. It is something we create in our minds (Lidsky). Throughout my childhood, my parents taught me to take responsibility for my mista...
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