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Translating Information in English, Spanish, and Italian

Essay Instructions:

1; Read topic: Use a machine translation (MT) tool, such as one that might be found at www(dot)worldlingo(dot)com (click on "Free Text Translation") to translate this paragraph into a language other than English that you are familiar with:
This transaction is a slam dunk, but we need to keep our eye on the ball. We need someone with experience who can effectively quarterback it; rookies need not apply for this position. Though the other company is interested, it will still be a sprint to the finish, so we'll need to plan on going the whole nine yards. Though some new recruits could run interference, we'll need to come out swinging. If this plan doesn't work out, I don't want anyone standing around wringing their hands and claiming it to be par for the course.
You should be able to copy and paste the paragraph into the web site.
After translating the paragraph into the language of your choice, try copying the translation back into another translating program such as the one available with the Google Apps and translate it back into English. Identify the phrases and sentence structures that differ from everyday, idiomatic English. Make a list of portions of text cause confusion, misunderstanding or incomprehension. What do you think might be the overriding problem?
2: read my response:
Translation of Paragraphs
English Translation
This transaction is a bad slam, but we must keep our eye on the ball. We need someone with experience who can effectively it strategist; Novices should only apply for this position. While the other company is interested, there will always be a sprint, and we intend to nine yards. Could some new recruits although the interference term, we come out swinging. If this plan does not work, I do not want someone standing around wringing their hands and claim them to be par for the course.
French Translation
Cette transaction est un mauvais slam, mais nous devons garder notre oeil sur la balle. Nous avons besoin de quelqu'un avec une expérience qui peut effectivement ce stratège; Novices ne doivent postuler pour ce poste. Alors que l'autre société est intéressée, il sera toujours un sprint final, et nous allons l'intention d'y neuf yards. Pourraient quelques nouvelles recrues, Bien que l'ingérence terme, nous sortiront balancer. Si ce plan ne fonctionne pas, je ne veux pas que quelqu'un qui se tient autour de tordre les mains et les revendiquer d'être comparable à l'évolution
Phrases and Sentence Structures that Differ
Some of the sentences and phrase structures that differ in this text include:
Who can effectively quarterback it
It will still be a sprint to the finish
There will always be a sprint
We intend to nine yards
Could some new recruits
Part of the Text that Show Confusion
This transaction is a bad slam
We need someone with experience who can effectively it strategist
While the other company is interested, there will always be a sprint, and we intend to nine yards
Could some new recruits although the interference term, we come out swinging
I do not want someone standing around wringing their hands and claim them to be par for the course.
Problems in the Use of Idiomatic Expressions
One of the problems in the use of idioms is in the abuse of idiomatic expressions. This can be attributed to the fact that the acquisition and use of these expressions among second language users is abused since these individuals fail to understand that these expressions are in many cases misinterpreted and misused. Several American natives who use English as their mother tongue and also employ slung is speech find it difficult to use idioms difficult. Slung language is in this case considered as one of the elements that affect the manner in which individuals use different speech patterns in communication. This indicates the rationale behind the use of idioms in a manner that fails to attain coherence especially in an instance where another language translation is incorporated.
3: read both peer reviews:
Spanish Translation from worldlingo.com:
Esta tansacción es un golpe dunk, pero necesitamos guardar nuestro ojo en la bola. Necesitamos a alguien con la experiencia que puede con eficacia estratega él; los novatos no necesitan solicitar esta posición. Aunque la otra compañía está interesada, todavía será un Sprint al final, así que necesitaremos planear en ir las nueve yardas enteras. Aunque algunos nuevos reclutas podrían funcionar interferencia, necesitaremos venir hacia fuera haciendo pivotar. Si este plan no se resuelve, no deseo cualquier persona que está parado alrededor de sacar sus manos y de demandarlas para ser normal para el curso.
English Translation from Google:
This transaction is a slam dunk , but we need to keep our eye on the ball . We need someone with experience who can effectively strategist him; novices need not apply for this position. While the other company is interested , it will still be a sprint at the end , so we need to plan on going the whole nine yards . Although some new recruits could run interference , we need to come out swinging . If this plan is not resolved, I do not want anyone standing around out their hands and claim them to be par for the course 
Even after two translations, this paragraph made quite a bit of sense. There is quite a bit of colloquial speech in the original paragraph that make it difficult to translate completely accurately into a foreign language. The figures of speech, I assume, are also difficult to translate. The phrases that do not still hold their original meaning are as follows:
Original (O): "effectively quarterback it"
Translation (T): "effectively strategist him"
This phrase still can be understood as long as the original is known and kept in mind, but if the translated paragraph were read on its own, it wouldn't make much sense. The problem with this phrase is the word "quarterback."
O: "I don't want anyone standing around wringing their hands and claiming it to be par for the course."
T: "I do not want anyone standing around out their hands and claim them to be par for the course ."
Surprisingly, "par for the course" remained intact and still holds its meaning. "Wringing" turned out to be a problem because usually something is "wrung out," and the actual word, "wringing" got totally lost and turned into "out." This causes a major problem with understanding the last sentence. The overriding problem seems to be too many figures of speech and colloquial words.
Peer2: Translations
This transaction is a slam dunk, but we need to keep our eye on the ball. We need someone with experience who can effectively quarterback it; rookies need not apply for this position. Though the other company is interested, it will still be a sprint to the finish, so we'll need to plan on going the whole nine yards. Though some new recruits could run interference, we'll need to come out swinging. If this plan doesn't work out, I don't want anyone standing around wringing their hands and claiming it to be par for the course.
Questa transazione è uno slam dunk, ma dobbiamo mantenere il nostro occhio sulla sfera. Abbiamo bisogno di qualcuno con esperienza che può efficacemente quarterback esso; le burbe non devono fare domanda per questa posizione. Benchè l'altra azienda sia interessata, ancora sarà uno Sprint al rivestimento, in modo da dovremo progettare sull'andare le nove yarde intere. Benchè alcune nuove reclute potrebbero fare funzionare l'interferenza, dovremo venire fuori oscillando. Se questo programma non risolve, non desidero chiunque che si leva in piedi intorno all'estorsione delle loro mani e ad esigerle per essere par per il corso.
Phrases and Sentence Structures that Differ from Everyday
Eye on the ball
Effectively quarterback it
Come out swinging
Text that shows Confusion
I don't want anyone standing around wringing their hands and claiming it to be par for the course.
So we'll need to plan on going the whole nine yards.
Overriding problem
The overriding problem that I see is the language. As a person who speaks English, I can probably guess the different slang and wording that is being used here. However, even if this paragraph is translated into another language they still may not know what is being said here. A great example of this would be the word football. In some cultures, the word football is the same thing as soccer.
Translate back to English
I used the following website to translate back to English
Which gave me the following:
This transaction is a slam dunk, but we must keep our eye on the ball. We need someone with experience who can effectively quarterback it; Rookies do not have to apply for this position. Though the other company is concerned, it will still be a sprint to the finish, so we'll have to plan on going the whole nine yards. Though some new recruits could run interference, we will have to come out swinging. If this program does not help, I do not want anyone who stands around the extortion of their hands and esigerle to be par for the course.
4: what you write: respond to each peer response to topic by telling what you like/dislike, agree/disagree, keeping in mind of my response when writing each one. Please keep separate.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Response to each peers
Peer 1: Spanish translation
English is the dominant language across the western nation and the most preferable among developing countries. In response to peer one, translating information from English to Spanish using the translation machine seems to work effectively with only minimal errors to solve. The peer finds the original speech to blame. The original speech uses colloquial speech instead of using formal words to construct a speech. This leads to wrong translation of the information intend by the machine into a foreign language. According to the peer, only the phrase "effectively quarterback it" does not hold the original meaning it intended. However, I disagree this because the peer firstly run the translation machine more than once making it to slim down its options. This interfered with the number of phrases and idioms that differed from the original speech and narrowed it down. Another reason to why I do not agree with the peer about translation is the translator knowing the original meaning of the article. Most people only translate articles to other languages because they do not understand the current language; therefore, there is no way the translator will understand the wrongly translated idioms and phrases. In addition, note that languages such as Spanish that is mostly spoken in the US will have most idioms and phrases translated to either language. Thus, it is easy to get the information translated from either English or Spanish. The peer found the overriding problem as colloquial words and many figures of speech. Having too many inform...
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