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Grammars, and the Teaching of Grammar, Patrick Hartwell Response

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #2 – Understanding Grammar Rationale In Grammar, Grammars, and the Teaching of Grammar, Patrick Hartwell writes, Those of us who dismiss the teaching of formal grammar have a model of composition instruction that makes the grammar issue “uninteresting” in a scientific sense. Our model predicts a rich and complex interaction of learner and environment in mastering literacy, and interaction that has little to do with sequences of skills instruction as such. Those who defend the teaching of grammar tend to have a model of composition instruction that is rigidly skillscentered and rigidly sequential: the formal teaching of grammar, as the first step in the sequence, is the cornerstone or linchpin. Instructions for this assignment Reflect on your own knowledge of grammar:  How well do you “know” grammar?  How did you acquire the knowledge that you have?  Describe some activities that you recall from middle school, junior high, or high school that contributed to what you know about grammar.  What affect does your knowledge of grammar have on your skill as a writer?  What affect does your knowledge of grammar have on your confidence as a writer? In a well written response of 800-1000 words, discuss how you would define grammar and how your definition of grammar affects your writing and your confidence as a writer. As you draft your discussion, relate Hartwell’s definitions and explanations about grammar to stories/events from your years in the grammar classroom. Bring at least two other theorists that we have read this semester into your discussion. Note: The integration of Hartwell’s and other theorists’ ideas is required. Do their ideas support Hartwell’s? Or do they contradict them? You must document your use of all sources in either APA or MLA format, including a references or works cited page. Take time to draft, reflect, revise, and edit your draft before submitting. Compose your response in Word and submit it as an attachment. (If you do not have Word, you must save and submit your paper in Rich Text Format -- .rtf. Papers attached in the incorrect format or a format that I cannot open will receive a 0 [zero]). Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 with 1” margins. Your paper should have an appropriate MLA or APA header, identifying you, the course, the professor, and the due date of the assignment. Your paper should also be carefully edited. Writing Assignment #2 – Understanding Grammar Grading This assignment is worth 200 points and will be evaluated as follows: Writing (Lively, Engaging, Coherent, Organized) 50 points Editing and Formatting 50 points Thoughtful Discussion of Reading and Personal Experience 50 points Hartwell’s Ideas about Grammar And Other Theorists’ Ideas Integrated into Discussion 50 points Due Date This reflection is due by Friday, April 22, 2016, at noon. No late papers will be accepted. File naming convention for the assignment Save your report in Word and use the following file naming convention: Understanding_Grammar_your-first-name_your-last-name.doc Be sure to use the underscores as you see in the example. How to submit the assignment When you have finished your report, you will submit it through FOLIO using the Assignment #2 Dropbox. You may only submit this assignment one time. I remind you that if you do not submit the assignment before the due date, you will not be able to submit it. Complete the assignment in a Word document.

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Understanding Grammar Assignment
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I have mastered grammar well through speaking and writing English language. Although, I am a native speaker, I learned grammar in the classroom. Attending classes have imparted me with an understanding of grammatical rules and appropriate vocabularies, which I use in day-to-day speaking and writing. I have mastered good grammatical standing in the English language. Based on Patrick Hartwell’s text, I agree with Hartwell that students should not study grammar too much (Hartwell, 1985). Though this rule might appear strange to most ESL students, it is one of the most vital rules I have experienced. For purposes of passing language tests, I used to study grammar. But to become fluent in the language, I used to learn the language by practical applications, that is, through speaking and writing. In practical applications, I do not study grammar because it confuses me and slows me down since I would be thinking about the rules when constructing sentences rather than simply saying the sentences like a native speaker (Hartwell, 1985). I put the language into practice. Speaking and writing are the only requirements to become fluent in the English language including any other language that exists. Another important thing is that I always speak what is correct the English language, not content that is more political and slangs utilized in regular life. I know many people who speak the formal language, but their language is distorted because of colloquial speech. I apply language practically, which has helped me to master grammatical prowess and speak fluent English.
Despite being a native speaker, I have specifically acquired grammar knowledge in the classroom. I know most grammar rules as a result of attending English classes where I learned grammar activities, public speaking, creative thinking, writing, and attending grammar tests. Besides that, unlike other students who had to come to school to learn grammar, I was fortunate because I had college-educated parents who talk Standard English and who had books at home. I learned grammar from reading books, watching television, and speaking with friends and family members. I used to study grammar rules to pass language tests, which also helped in speaking and writing. What I know is that students cannot run away from grammar because every sentence we speak, read, hear, or write constitutes grammar. We need grammar rules to use appropriate language. If there were no grammar rules, then everybody would be forming and following their own rules, which is not appropriate in any language. Without grammar rules, people would be in a position to communicate with others. I believe that grammar is learned best at school. I started learning grammar formally at kindergarten, and through primary and high school education.
I remember certain activities from middle school that contributed to what I know about grammar. Since middle school, I learned parts of speech, which I was expected to apply, identify and apply appropriately when writing was necessary. Such grammar activities helped me to improve my reading capability and essay writing, and to develop invaluable skills. Grammar activities encouraged me to write and speak in complete sentences with verbs, nouns, subjects, and more. Although, learning appropriate grammar seemed tedious work; our English teacher gave us games that helped us to make learning easier, faster, and more interesting. Such games consisted of guessing games, postcard practice, fishing for grammar activities, bookmaking, and others. I enjoyed playing such games, and consequently I developed a better knowledge of composing sentence structure. All these contributed to what I know a...
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