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Should the U.S. offer a Path to Citizenship/Legal Residency for Illegal Immigrants?

Essay Instructions:

Week 4 Assignment: Persuasive Essay

In week three, you composed a plan for your persuasive essay. This assignment is based on research. It is not simply an expression of your opinion. A persuasive essay requires you to investigate a topic by conducting research, evaluating evidence; and establishing a position based on what you have learned. Each claim in your thesis should be supported by reliable evidence. The goal is to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view using sound reasoning and solid evidence by stating facts, giving logical reasons, using examples, and quoting experts.

The Final essay should include a thesis statement, clear position on chosen topic, acknowledgment of the opposing view, clear purpose and direction, and effective conclusion.

Revised essay should be error free and consistent in tone, point of view and verb tense.

Three reliable sources are required to support your position.

Reliable sources include Google scholar, and others approved by your instructor.

Choose one of the following Writing Suggestions or you may choose a topic relevant to your career or studies. The topic must be debatable (have two opposing sides), research based (use facts, not personal opinion) and relevant to your career.

IMMIGRATION: Should the U.S. offer a path to citizenship/legal residency for illegal immigrants?

MINIMUM WAGE: Should the minimum wage be raised from its current $7.25 per hour?

ENVIRONMENT: Should the US support initiatives that restrict carbon emissions (or carbon pollution)?


1000 words (minimum) persuasive essay

Minimum of three sources with in-text citations

Microsoft word document in APA format including title page, reference page.

Submission to OWL is recommended


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All papers must be Microsoft Word documents.

The paper is double-spaced in Times New Roman, size 12, and has no extra spaces between the paragraphs.

The paper uses one-inch margins and half-inch indentions for the beginning of paragraphs. You can set this up in Microsoft Word to automatically default to these settings for your paper.

Paper should include title page, body text and reference page.


Title the Word document JonesA_ Persuasive Essay (change JonesA to your last name and first initial). If you have a title for the essay, center it as a double-spaced half-line just above the text.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should the U.S. offer a Path to Citizenship/Legal Residency for Illegal Immigrants?
Student’s Name
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Assignment Due Date
Should the U.S. offer a Path to Citizenship/Legal Residency for Illegal Immigrants?
Over the past years, illegal immigration in the United States has raised a heated debate among policy makers. Whether undocumented immigrants should be offered a path to citizenship in the country has been the subject of interest. This debate has sparked massive rallies that have called for immigration reform (Jawetz, 2019). Most Americans think that the government should do something to regulate about 12 million illegal immigrants presently living and working in the country (Becerra et al., 2012). However, little has been achieved so far on this issue. Congress is at stalemate. The House of Representatives has passed a bill that takes a hard-line approach. This bill makes illegal immigration in the US a felony and increases penalties for those who intend to break it (Jawetz, 2019).
In contrast, a Senate measure takes a more relaxed approach that allows undocumented immigrants who have lived in US for not less than five years to apply for citizenship and legal residency (Jawetz, 2019). Those in support of the House of Representatives argue that illegal immigrants take away jobs from US citizens. They also claim that illegal immigrants are the source of social problems like the growing crime rates and congestion in schools (Liu, 2010). However, those in support of the congress believe that most undocumented migrants are hardworking, law abiding, and they contribute significantly to the economy by paying income and social security taxes (Lynch & Oakford, 2013).. As such, they deserve a road map to citizenship. Based on arguments from both sides, illegal immigrants should be offered a path to citizenship and legal residency because they are valuable to the country’s economic growth.Those opposing a road map to legal citizenship of illegal immigrants have always claimed that these people take away jobs from US citizens. Regarding this issue, Bixler (2020) stated that illegal immigration in the US has increased the supply of low-skilled and low-labor available in the labor market. According to Becerra et al. (2012), many jobs occupied by illegal immigrants are physically demanding jobs such as work on farm fields or gutting fish that Americans have rejected. Bixler (2020) further claims that instead of mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, they should be offered legal visa to do jobs that US citizens do not want. Therefore, illegal immigrants should be offered a path for citizenship to let them continue working in these areas because they form significant part of the economic growth. It shows that legalization of undocumented workers is about the country’s economic health.
Further studies indicate that legal status and a path to citizenship for the undocumented immigrants will promote the economy as far as earnings, labor and tax revenues are concerned (Jawetz, 2019). According to Lynch and Oakford (2013), legalizing citizenship of illegal immigrants permits them to work in the country. This leads to an increase in the amount of taxes contributed to social security and benefits program. All these benefits exist in the presence of immigration reform that seeks to offer illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. Studies also show that the timing of the reform is important. The sooner the government provides legal residency to unauthorized workers, the higher the economic benefit for America (Liu, 2010).
The logic behind these economic benefits is simple. Legalization increases the productivity and earnings of illegal immigrants compared to when they are sidelined economically (Lynch & Oakford, 2013). The ensuing output and wage gains benefit the economy because these people are also taxpayers. They spend their incomes on various expenses ranging fro...
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