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Careers in Food and Beverage

Essay Instructions:

Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:

Describe the various types of management careers that can be offered within each industry (lodging, and food & beverage).

Compare and contrast the differences between the General Management (GM) positions within the two industries.

Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment within these two industries and how this overall growth is forecasted within the next 10 years.

Recommend at least three human resource practices in which each industry can better recruit and retain management talent for their respective industry.

Use the Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Describe management careers, employment outlook, and HR staffing practices of the lodging and food and beverage industries.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lodging and Food & Beverage
Due Date
Lodging and Food & Beverage
Describe the Various Types of Management Careers that can be offered within each industry.
Lodging Industry
Lodging Manager
A lodging manager is a person that ensures that guests have an excellent experience in a motel, hotel, or any other establishment that offers accommodation services. As a lodging manager, one is tasked with room inspection duties to ensure the set cleanliness standards are maintained. Monitor the performance of their staff, and ensure guests are served well at all times. They also double as the human resource because they are involved in hiring and firing of staff members. Also, they ensure that the hotel, motel, or the establishment's standards are adhered to at all times. Their work revolves around making sure that things are working smoothly and that their establishment is meeting its profitability goals.
Lead Housekeeper
A lead housekeeper is a person who ensures that hotel rooms are maintained to the standards of the hotel or lodging establishment. They supervise junior staff members as they maintain a neat environment. Lead housekeepers are also concerned with the delivery of cleaning materials. Also, lead housekeepers are involved in developing budgets, managing stocks, and the protection of guests' property.
Guest Relations Manager
While this may not be as popular as the other two, it is still part of the lodging industry. A guest relations manager is concerned with the state of the guests. This position's roles are tied to ensuring that the guests have a great stay at an establishment. The responsibilities include the analysis of customer feedback and the development of mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement. A guest relations manager also anticipates customers' needs and ensures that the establishment is positioned in a way that can satisfy such needs.
Food and Beverage
Food and Beverage Manager
This position calls for a person who is ready to deal with people. While in this position, one is expected to do some HR work by hiring, training, and at times firing staff members. Leadership also involves giving direction and, at times, motivating the staff members. Aside from the above, a food and beverage manager also monitors the quality of products and services offered. Since their concern is the customers, they seek to ensure that the standards set, be it cleanliness or quality delivery, are met at all times.
Catering Manager
As a catering manager, one's work mainly revolves around food. They handle tasks that touch on foodservice and preparation. Some of the tasks and responsibilities that are tied to what catering managers do include managing operations and ensuring the smooth flow of events. They also manage food orders while keeping the staff committed to the set standards.
Food Production Manager
A food production manager's work revolves around food as well. However, theirs is towards issues of procurement and inventory management. As a food production manager, one manages food production while also ensuring that its quality is maintained.
Compare and contrast the differences between the General Management (GM) positions within the two industries.
The general management position for the lodging industry includes the hotel general manager position. While in this position, one oversees the running or operations of the lodging or hotel establishment.
The food and beverage industry's general management positions mainly include food and beverage manager and restaurant general manager.
The similarities in the GM positions for both industries is that for both, the goal is to ensure that services touching or affecting customers are given the attention they deserve. Aside from the above, the said positions are also tasked with ensuring that the establishment runs smoothly and efficiently. Also, they are all tasked with ensuring that catering services meet the establishment and industry standards. It is crucial to also note that these positions also mandate those employed to deal with customer complaints. No establishment can survive if it does not cater to the needs of its clients. Therefore, these positions allow the said managers to deal with customer complaints to ensure that their establishments' reputation is not tainted....
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