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Sentencing Options and Criminological Theories and Principles

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Details

In Unit 2, you connected theory to real life, showing that it is not an abstract concept. Criminological theory has value in the criminal justice system. It also has value in society. It informs practice and can improve policy and programs.

The criminal justice process can conflict with criminological theory. Within the courts, some sentencing options can create unintended results, such as increasing the likelihood that a person commits new crimes, suffers a drug relapse, or violates a condition of probation.

In this activity, you are going to further develop your writing skills while applying critical thinking by exploring the benefits and drawbacks of specific sentencing options.

Using your reading assignments, intellipath lessons, and other resources, write a 2-page paper exploring the pros and cons of specific sentencing options.

The specific steps for this assignment are as follows and can be found in the readings for the unit, but additional Web research is also recommended:

Select 3 of the sentencing options. For reference, the sentencing options fall into the following categories:





Restorative Justice.

In your own words, explain the principles and specific criminological theories that support the sentencing options you chose.

State the pros and cons for each of the sentencing options you chose.

Support your position for both pros and cons with real cases or real events.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sentencing Options and Criminological Theories
The primary goal of the sentencing is to safeguard the public while also ensuring that justice is served. Section 142 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 defines the purpose of sentences for people aged 18 and above. Various sentencing options are available during the sentencing procedure. A set of crime and criminal justice theories is the conflict theory. Different criminological theories justify various sentence options.
Retribution, deterrence, and rehabilitation are some of the sentencing options. The three sentencing options follow diverse principles and are based on various criminological theories. According to retribution criminological theories, antisocial behavior is defined by those in society who wield social and economic power, the ruling class. The purpose of criminological theory is to aid in the understanding of criminal behavior.
Retribution (1900-1905) refers to the belief that offenders should be punished for their crimes but that someone forced to commit a crime should not be punished.
* Criminological theories and principles
According to the retributive theory of punishment, when an offender breaks the law, justice dictates that they suffer as a result and that the punishment be commensurate to the crime. However, the severity of punishment varies greatly between cultures and individuals. "Getting what you deserve" is a rough translation of the notion of vengeance. This desert principle is based on two main assumptions: (a) the prize or punishment should be proportional to one's deserving, and (b) it should be applied fairly. The law of retaliation, which dictates that punishment should be equal to the crime, is the principle of retribution. Everybody should be punished equally, regardless of the severity of their crime or the amount of suffering they have done to others.
* Pros
Retribution includes deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. They all work to guarantee that the evil is punished, the innocent are safeguarded, and social balance is restored once a crime has occurred. As a result, vengeance is the sole legitimate basis for punishment.
* Cons
The value of vengeance cannot be reduced by employing it to compensate for the legal system's shortcomings. Retribution also prohibits the punishment of those who are not accountable for their conduct.
* Example
Retribution is exemplified by the old penalty system of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Stacy lends Michael $1000 for Michael to boost his business. Michael defaults on the payment of the loan. Stacy decides to pay goons and destroy Michael's shop. Stacy was arrested but was not found guilty in a court of law.
Punishment to deter the offender from committi...
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