100% (1)
2 pages/≈550 words
Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 7.2

Homelessness and Precarious Housing

Essay Instructions:

ive attach 2 assignments. 1 is a worksheet that needs to be fill out ( M3INC & Research Sources Template) and the other one is a two page research paper on the macro level of homelessness withing canada and the laws that have been put into place to help those facing homelessness.

This assignment it based on Canadian Homelessness rates

Phase 1: Exploration of Oppression:  20%                                          Worth 50% in Total

Phase 2: Linking Social Justice to Social Policy: 30%

Topic: Homelessness & Precarious Housing

Links: https://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/margotyoung/policy_brief_national_housing_strategy

 -The housing policy was put in place back in 2015 in Canada.

The purpose of this assignment is to develop an understanding of the journey from oppression and injustice to the development of social policy, in relation to marginalized groups in Canada.

The specific goals of the assignment are:

  1. To explore a specific form of oppression and identify the key elements of social injustice;
  2. To research specific policy that was developed to address the issues;
  3. To identify gaps (what you believe is missing in the policy) and make recommendations to address the gaps;
  4. To work with group members online in developing a power point presentation that will be shared with class members via the discussion board on SLATE;
  5. To strengthen skills of working with virtual classroom online resources.

This is a group assignment.  Each group will consist of 3 students, no more or no less.  You will work together online to complete:

(1)   Phase 1 – Research Paper

(2)   Phase 2 – PowerPoint presentation

You can use different meeting formats (like google docs, Microsoft teams, Zoom) but make sure you post according to assignment requirements in the Discussion Board on SLATE).   Please practice physical distancing by not meeting in person. 


You may choose a topic from the list posted on SLATE or identify one of your own. If you select a different topic from this list, please discuss with the professor before proceeding.

Phase 1 (20% for Paper)

Phase 1 of the assignment is finalized by a written paper that you will upload into the SLATE assignment Dropbox by February 26.   As preparation for the final paper, a Worksheet (M3INC Worksheet) is due in Week 4.

Marks for Phase 1:

Micro / Mezzo / Macro Worksheet (M3 Worksheet)             5%

Research Paper                                                                       15%

TOTAL                                                                                     20%

 Identify an area of oppression and discuss the roots of that form of oppression, through research, virtual classroom, in-class discussion and relevant course materials. 

Part one of this assignment has three components:

  1. MICRO - present an overview of the issue. What does this form of oppression look like at the individual, family or small group level?
  1. MEZZO – What does this form of oppression look like in a specific City or Region or at the organizational level such as social agencies, workplaces, places of worship, etc.? What are some of the ‘isms’ that you can identify? Are there any intersections between the forms of oppression: gender/race/class?
  1. MACRO – What does this form of oppression look like at the level of policy, economy, political ideology, laws and legislation, social values and attitudes? Does policy contribute to the oppression? How? 

M3INC Worksheet - This assignment is intentionally organized to encourage students to complete work in stages and thereby get feedback and an opportunity to apply the feedback to the subsequent assignments.   It is imperative for all members of the group to participate in on-line activities, be in communication and complete their share of the workload.  The expectation is that you learn from the earlier assignments, therefore, all members of the group must read and make sure they understand the Professor’s feedback.   If you implement the feedback, you will be more successful on the Research Paper.

Research Papers should be double-spaced, APA format with title and references page. Pages should be numbered and should be limited to about 5 to 7 pages (not including title and reference page). Please proofread your paper for spelling and grammatical errors. 

This is a group assignment.  To minimize disruption caused by challenging group dynamics, it is recommended that you negotiate a contract with team members at the beginning of the course.  If you subsequently encounter challenges with group dynamics, please contact your professor. 

Phase 2 (30%)

In phase 2 you are being asked to explore your research skills and your creativity.

Continue working on the same topic you chose for phase 1.

  1. Identify the specific policies that evolved to address the oppression.
  2. Are they effective? If not, what are the gaps? 
  3. Identify gaps in the implementation of the policies.
  4. Develop an alternate response to the oppression in the form of social policy that will address the inefficiencies or change them 

This project is primarily a research assignment.  The presentation for Phase 2 requires further research that builds on the foundation from Phase 1 of your project.  The presentation will be uploaded into the SLATE Assignment Dropbox as a PowerPoint presentation.  Make sure you include the four areas listed above with slides on exploration of oppression at the micro, mezzo, & macro level, policies that address your issue, gaps/pieces missing in the polices, and recommendations for social change.  You can do this power point together on google docs or communicate via social media.  Please practice physical distancing by not meeting in person.  

                                                                        Group Mark                Marked Individually

Work-plan outlined in Discussion POST                                                         3

Reference Page                                                 5 

Presentation                                                    15

Questions / Responses to Peers                       5

Peer Review (posted in Discussion POST)                                                      2

Total               30 Marks (25 Group marks + 5 marks individually graded)

Discussion POSTS

Group Discussion POSTS:  In addition to the posts which are INC Activities, there will be a Group Discussion POST for Phase 2.  This is a more informal format designed to provide team guidance and structure very similar to the Micro/Mezzo/Macro Worksheet you did for Phase 1.   A Discussion POST Forum will be set up for each team for discussion and dialogue.  Marks will be assessed and awarded individually.

Presentation Discussion POSTS:  A Discussion POST Forum will be set up for the Presentations.  Each team will post their Phase 2 Presentation / PowerPoint in the Topic set up for their Group.  (Teams are also required to upload the Presentation / PowerPoint in the Assignment folder).

Students are required to review the presentations of other groups and post questions / comments.  See Rubric.

Reference Page   See Rubric.

Presentation / PowerPoint    DUE Week 12

The PowerPoint should include a title page (include everyone's name) and a final slide for APA references.  The PowerPoint should be no more than 15 slides (not including  title page, Questions for Peers or references)  .    Note, teams who wish to use an alternative on-line presentation technology (such as Prezi ) should speak to the Prof in advance.  Whatever format is used, it must be one that can be uploaded and accessed through SLATE. 

Make sure you include Questions for your Peers about the Presentation (3 marks).   Ask questions both about Content and about Engagement.  Content questions include questions about the policy, the gaps and your proposed policy response.  Questions on engagement are about the visual impact of your slides, the images or graphics used or about other elements to catch or retain interest.  There are also marks for responding to the Peer comments and questions (2 marks).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Homelessness and Precarious Housing
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Homelessness and Precarious Housing
The national housing policy ensures that Canada has enough houses to accommodate its citizens. The policy has not been much effective in Greater Toronto due to the high rate of homelessness. The policy involves all the three levels of government, with the municipality having the largest impact. The form of oppression regarding homelessness and precarious housing at the policy level will take approximately ten years to provide affordable housing for those in need. Such is a long period for the government to consider providing affordable housing. The policy means that people will continue living in precarious houses. Others will continue being homeless to a point where the government has provided enough houses (Statistics Canada Government of Canada). Such a policy creates injustice in society because every person wishes to live in good houses. Therefore, the government's plans to take ten years to achieve such is unfair to those living in poor conditions.
In terms of the economy, the oppression does not facilitate economic growth. If people are expected to work hard towards economic growth, it means they should be able to provide their families with basic needs. Homelessness and living in precarious houses are an indication that people cannot afford the three basic needs. Their focus would be to afford the basic needs rather than engaging in activities that result in economic growth. Given that the government will take approximately ten years to provide affordable housing, it means that the affected will continue being insignificant contributors to economic growth. People ought to afford the three basic needs to focus on other income-generat...
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