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Struggling as a Freshman in High School With Parents Going Through Divorce: Creative Writing Essay

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About struggling as a freshman in highschool with parents going through a divorce

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Struggling as a Freshman in High School With Parents Going Through Divorce
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Struggling as a Freshman in High School With Parents Going Through Divorce
Life has different ways of teaching people crucial lessons. At some point, a person is very happy, and at another moment, one is sad and feels like it would be better if the earth split and swallow an individual alive. However, although some people say that it is better to accept things that we cannot control and move on with our lives, it has never been easier to do that than said. I remember very well the weather was a chilly morning in the Midwest. I had woke up early for a morning jog since later in the day I had a game to play. During this cold weather, there is no much to do and many people prefer to remain indoors. Besides, I am an active person, and I like participating in sporting activities. I do it for passion and also to ensure that I remain healthy. However, it appears that it was not my season to shine as significant life challenges started coming in one after the other. I was unaware that the game I had taken enough time to prepare would leave me with leg injuries. Struggling in high school while my parents were going through a divorce and getting a leg injury during a game a week later were never easy challenges to overcome without humor.
On almost every Sunday, our family had a culture of going out after church. We would eat our favorite meals at the best restaurant around our home area or watch a movie at the nearest theater. I woke up early on a misty Sunday morning, around 7:00 am and met my father in the living area watching his favorite program. It was unusual for him to do that since they followed that television program with my mother. When my mother joined us, I noted that she avoided direct conversations with my father. Since I was used to my family being happy all the time, and we did nearly everything together, I did not hesitate to ask, “Guys, is there a problem between you two?” Both my parents remained silent, which answered my question that something was not right. When I started walking away, my mother called out my name and said we needed to talk as a family. I was not worried since, for the last few months, I was well-behaved and did not engage in something that would have offended my parents. I knew the problem was between them.
“Well, I want to...,” my mother said. My father interrupted and said, “You know we love you so much and what is happening between us has nothing to do with you, right?” I nodded my head. “It has come to our realization that your mother here and I need to separate and think about issues that have been affecting us,” my father continued. “All you have to know is that we will be there for you all the time, and you do not have to worry about anything,” my mother said. I busted into tears and was unable to look into either of my parents' eyes and ask them why they are doing this to our family. I woke up and hurried to my bedroom with a million thoughts. Why is this happening to me? Didn’t I deserve a happy family? What can I do to change the situation? Did my mother cheat on my father? Was my father the one who cheated? When did my parents realize that they needed to separate? For how long have they been keeping me in the darkness? I needed someone to answer all these questions, but unfortunately, no one was there to do it. I felt betrayed by the people I loved the most. I will never forget that the day was a turning point in my life.
A week after the bad news of my parents’ divorce, I got hurt in a game. As I noted earlier, I am passionate about sporting activities. Notably, before this day, I have never hurt myself so bad to a point of being taken to a hospital. For all other times, it was just minor injuries that are common in almost all sporting activities. Nevertheless, this time it appeared as if there was a bad omen directed to me. While playing a local tournament with a team from the neighboring city, my left leg got injured. I was unable to stand up and use it for some days after being taken to the hospital. The doctor said that it was a knee dislocation, but my leg will get better after two to three weeks of taking the medication and avoiding any rigorous activity. While at the hospital, an ambulance came in bringing a person who was badly injured due to a road accident. Everyone in the waiting room remained s...
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