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Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones story

Essay Instructions:

Compose a minimum five-paragraph essay on the topic provided. Submit your entire process. A proverb briefly and strikingly expresses some recognized truth or shrewd observation about practical life. All proverbs serve the same purpose: they neatly sum up common experiences or beliefs. Write an essay which explains and exemplifies how a proverb has gained specific, personal meaning for you through an experience or series of experiences. Agree or disagree with the proverb and base your (dis)agreement on specific personal experience(s).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones
People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones
The meaning of this proverb is that if a person does not want to be criticized of his/her actions, he/she should not criticize others. This meaning directly corresponds to the direct meaning of the proverb that if a person has a glass house, he should not throw stones to another person’s glass house if he does not want his house to be stoned. A real life example of this proverb is that if a person is easily tempered, he should not violate any other person’s rights or privileges because the same will be reciprocated, and as a result, he will experience the same suffering and in a greater magnitude. It is like saying those people who live in paper houses should not play around with matches.
In addition, another real life situation, which portrays the meaning of this proverb, is that people, who know that they are vulnerable, should not engage themselves in a fight. In most cases people end up been hurt in a confrontation, which they ignited. For instance, one should not engage in a fight wit...
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