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Creative Writing
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Media assignment. LGBTQ+ Community in Canada: A Media Analysis.

Essay Instructions:

Media Assignment

Due week 10 (11:59 p.m.) 
Worth 10% 
Type – Individual or Pairs 
Purpose of the assignment
1. Develop an analysis of how the media can contribute to the perpetuation of stereotypes and myths about diverse groups of people in society. 

2. Understand the importance of effective online social activism for SSWs through social media, and how it can contribute to demystifying and countering stereotypes, stories, and myths used to perpetuate the oppression in society of diverse groups of people. 

Process of the assignment
Students will self enroll into pairs in SLATE. Groups will be open on SLATE for self-enrollment from November 9, 2020.   For more information on how to self enroll into a group on SLATE, please watch the video How to self enroll into pairs. 

In pairs, students will identify a current situation in Canada that is discriminatory toward any ONE group of people discussed in class and course material (i.e. older adults/ children, BIPOC, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants/refugees, women, low-income people, or people with disabilities) amid COVID19, and share it in their online forum for discussion. Consider your chosen group’s intersectional identity as it relates to the current situation in your responses. 

You can use the news, credible web-based material and/or mixed media content online and in the course contents to identify and share your social justice issue related to your chosen group. 

Students will answer the following questions in their online group forums:

1. What is the experience of oppression/s experienced by the diverse population? 

2. How does the media content perpetuate and/or debunk stereotypes, discrimination and/or myths about the oppressed population?

3. Please identify the action that each person in your group can play as an Ally and/or in the role of an SSW online, using an anti-oppression approach to support the oppressed group in the current situation. 

4. You are required to use a minimum of two (2) academic sources to answer all three questions. APA citations are required and writing rubrics apply.

Product (written submission OR video submission)

To answer the above questions students will meet in the discussion boards to discuss, analyze and share resources. After exhausting the process:

1. Students are expected to organize their answers into a word document for submission to the Group Assignment folder in SLATE. The document should be at least three pages and it should include references.


2. Students can use the Bongo Video Assignment in SLATE to record, combine, organize and upload video responses.  Each pair must upload their reviewed media content to the Media Gallery prior to submitting their video responses in Bongo. You must include a page with references or include them in the video.

Here is a helpful tutorial on  how to create and combine videos using Bongo in the online Media Gallery and in the Virtual Assignment and Classroom spaces on SLATE. (Note: Students are welcomed to use other platforms to create and share their video responses. If using an alternative video sharing platform other than Bongo, students are encouraged to contact their professor about the specific mediums and platforms that will be accepted for their video submissions).

The media assignments must be submitted by the end of the day in Week 10 (by 11:59 p.m.)  If you have any questions, feedback, or accessibility needs, please contact your professor in SLATE, or by using the contact information and instructions provided under course information for more support.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

LGBTQ+ Community in Canada: A Media Analysis
Student Name
College/University Affiliation


LGBTQ+ Community in Canada: A Media Analysis
The question of queerness is queer enough to raise concerns about mental health. This statement is so common in mainstream conceptualization of sexual orientation. To a mainstream Canadian mind, heterosexuality is not an option. In each and every public sphere of influence – government, work, school, media and home – choice is not a commodity individuals and/or communities could exchange for certain gains. Instead, heterosexuality, as one form of mainstream means of dominance and suppression, is a case in point of ways a community, i.e. LGBTQ+, is framed, controlled and often suppressed in Canada. The experiences of LGBTQ+, mediated and filtered by opaque media of mainstream influence and control, are still misunderstood, if not flatly prejudiced against, by wider communities at large. The lifestyles, sexual choices, experiences, and rights, if any, are still off radar and are often distorted by a diversity of intentional and/or unintentional political, economic, social and cultural acts. To put matters into more perspective, a closer examination of LGBTQ+ community experiences are explored and examined. Specifically, images and representations of LGBTQ+ community in media are discussed in order to identify ways mainstream media distorts actual identities and experiences of LGBTQ+ community in Canada. This short writing assignment, informed by rich online discussions and is a development of key questions on experiences and media representations of LGBTQ+ community in Canada, aims, accordingly, to showcase ways LGBTQ+ community is self-perceived and ways mainstream media perpetuates/debunks stereotypes in order to suggest possible anti-oppression and support actions.
In Canada, a free market economy reigns supreme. In name of free exchange of goods and services, much is dismissed, intentionally or not, about ways a free-reign economy could


impact minorities, sub-cultures and non-mainstream groups. In an interesting study, McKenzie (2020) examines ways neoliberal policy, “which introduces competition for funding and pressure to professionalize and bureaucratize,” impacts working conditions of a purposive sample of southern Ontario (Canada) organizations offering healthcare services to LGBTQ + community. In contrast to a 3-pronged LGBTQ+ ideals of anti-assimilationism, solidarity across
movements, and political economy of queer health, neoliberal policies in southern Ontario are shown to exercise undue pressure on examined organizations and, more importantly, restrict political advocacy. The official, mainstream political economy policy runs, accordingly, against central interests of and choices made by a certain subgroup, LGBTQ+ subgroup in current case, at a considerable disregard of a diversity of political, economic, social and cultural choices and rights. That is, sout...
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