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Leadership Experience that Positively Influenced Others

Essay Instructions:

It contains two essay prompts, each should be around 410 words.

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. 

●        Paragraph 1: your definition of leadership and a interesting hook statement

○        You can create your definition or find the definition at https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/100-answers-to-the-question-what-is-leadership.html (find one best describes you)

●        Paragraph 2: Discuss previous examples of where you have not demonstrated leadership well, and transition to examples where you have demonstrated leadership (highlighting your changes and what you did).

●        Paragraph 3: Discuss the challenge you tried to solve

●        Paragraph 4: Shares what you learned during this experience

Paragrpah 5: Clarifies what values, skills, and qualities you will bring to the college. You should also connect these to your future career (for me, a public policy analyst).

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

●        Paragraph 1:An interesting start. Inform readers of what environmental science tells you?

●        Pargraph 2: What did you learn in class? Why did this fuel your love for environmental science?

-          Field trip…

-          Current Environement Problem discussion…

-          IB Internal Assessment Research about the albedo affect the ice melting.

●        Paragraph 3: Outside of the classroom interest?

-          I am a dog lover, more opportunity to explore the environment…

-          Changing perceptions of GM crops…

●        Paragraph 4: More explore in the future 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essay Prompts: 1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. 2. Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Prompt One
Most people believe that leadership is merely a display of authority and executing punishment when an action or behavior is missing. Leadership is much more than giving 'orders' and 'commands.' My definition of leadership aligns with that of Ronald Reagan, who defines a great leader as the one who motivates people to do the greatest things and not necessarily the one who does the greatest things (Inc. Africa, 2021). Leadership, therefore, entails bringing out the best in people and serving their needs before the leader's needs.
There are a few examples where I could have demonstrated leadership better. For instance, as a class representative, I once needed to communicate effectively/on time regarding the change of dates for an end-of-term individual assessment test. However, I created a social group for all the students in another instance. I informed them about lectures, including the professor's expected arrival time, examination dates, and the class venue. I chose to communicate with them immediately after I received any information. In the second example, I improved my leadership skills when I got the other students to do their best by communicating on time regarding class matters.
In the second example, I tried to solve poor communication skills and people disengagement. I realized that I had poor communication skills since I could hold very important information from the other students, which cost some of them dearly because they had to repeat a whole semester's unit according to the institution's policy on skipping tests, classes, and examinations. I also realized that I had disengaged them significantly while they were supposed to be the people I should have served diligently. By communicating through accessible and available channels in a timely manner, as seen in the second example, I solved the challenges; poor communication and disengagement of the students.
During these experiences, I learned effective communication skills. These included passing important information immediately after it was released to me in the jurisdiction of a class representative. It also included using easily available communication channels where every student could access information concernin...
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