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Creative Writing
English (U.S.)
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A Journal From One Of The Provided Readings Creative Writing

Essay Instructions:

-Post your journal entry based on a selected piece of literature from Set 2. 3 sets of selected piece of literature have been attached that is (a) Travelling through the dark. (b) the twillight and (3) Burundi.
the journal should come from just one of the selected piece of literature provided.
-Post your writing (journal response using the RRJ Guidelines) as a Word document.(attached)
-(RRJ) Follow this guide for completing your journal entries!(attached)
-More instructions have been attached

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Traveling Through the Dark
Reader response/ Impression
After reading the poem, I pondered on the suffering of the deer that was recently killed and the fawn inside it waiting to be born. I never liked the idea of animals suffering slowly, being killed on purpose, and even hunt them down for fun. The character in the story sympathizes with what the deer is feeling and pushed her over the river because she is already dead and her body had to be moved. I think that these kinds of pieces are appropriate to raise the truth about how humans should not allow animals to go through pain for a long time, especially that they cannot speak. They are defenseless against the harsh realities of life and people should be kinder to animals.
“My finger touching her side brought me to reason.”
This quote struck me because this is a time when the character in the poem realized that the deer is carrying another life inside her, which means that two lives were lost. The reason behind the death of the deer is unknown and it is not said in the poem if she was left to die or was killed right away. The character found her already cold and realized there is a fawn after touching her side. The line is full of insight because the situation got clearer and the emotion in the poem deepened.
The poem is written in very basic English and the words are easy to understand. I did not find any words that need an interpretation or has a deeper meaning than how they are used in the piece.
I think that anyone who reads the poem for the first time and is not an expert will not find it hard to decipher the meaning of it.
What could have killed the deer? Did the deer die naturally or was it shot? How long has she been dead before the character in the poem found her? Was the fawn a boy or a girl?
The poem also did not say the emotions of the character upon seeing the deer and after finding out she is carrying a baby. The character simply knew what to do with it.

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