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Creating an Argument: The Electoral College Assignment

Essay Instructions:

This week we learned about the presidency, the powers of the presidency, and the unique way our president is elected via the Electoral College. In this assignment you will be guided in creating a complete argument regarding whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated.
This activity will be useful practice in how to create and present and thoughtful argument. The ability to create and communicate a thoughtful argument will help you out in future studies and in any career.
Your essay must be at least 500 words long.
Follow these steps to create an argument in the form of an essay:
Step 1: In one or two very clear sentences state whether or not you think the Electoral College should be kept or eliminated. This is called writing a thesis statement.
Step 2: In three paragraphs describing three (3) arguments that support your position regarding the Electoral College. Give each argument one paragraph. Do not just list three arguments in support of your position regarding the Electoral College. You must tell the reader why each of your three arguments supports your position on the Electoral College.
Step 3: In three paragraphs describe three (3) arguments that go against your position regarding the Electoral College. This is called addressing counterarguments. Give each counterargument one paragraph. Describe the counterargument and then tell the reader of your essay why that counterargument should be dismissed.
Step 4: Write one paragraph concluding your essay. Restate your initial position on the Electoral College. And review the one or two arguments that you found to be the most compelling in support of your position.
Step 5: Write a reference list. In any good argument you will present your ideas but then include evidence from credible external sources to support your ideas. Always include a reference list.
In outline form your paper should look like this.
Introduction: Thesis statement of your position regarding the Electoral College.
Three arguments supporting your position.
Describe argument 1 and why it supports your position.
Describe argument 2 and why it supports your position.
Describe argument 3 and why it supports your position.
Three counter arguments opposing your position.
Describe counter argument 1 and why it is not sufficient.
Describe counter argument 2 and why it is not sufficient.
Describe counter argument 3 and why it is not sufficient.
Conclusion paragraph.
Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.
As with all weekly written assignments, submit your work as an attached file. Double-space your paper and use 12 point Times New Roman as your font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Electoral College
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Since 18th century, presidential election outcome in the United States has been determined through Electoral College (EC), a system in which a candidate who scoops more votes in a state takes all the state’s electors. EC has been upheld for reasons such as offering a check for cases where the public makes a choice for a poor candidate or offering a mandate to the elected president through landslide win. However, EC is bad and should be abolished because it goes against the will of the majority, makes presidential campaigns neglect rural areas and is one of the causes of voter apathy.
EC system can elect a president who is not preferred by the majority. For instance, in the 2016 elections, the majority of Americans voted for Clinton who garnered about 600,000 votes more than president Trump but against the popular vote and the will of the majority, EC made Trump the president elected (Calahan, 2014). That is why the majority protested the election of Trump. For this reason, EC is bad because it goes against the will of the majority which is also against the democracy that says the majority leads while minority have their say.
Besides, EC makes the candidates to concentrate their campaign efforts in a few battleground states and neglect the other areas. In 2016 campaigns, the candidates concentrated in only 12 (comprising 87% of the campaign visits) states and neglected the 27 states (Burnham, 2016). If the president was elected through popular vote, the candidates would campaign throughout the states considering every voter in every state as important.
Also, EC contributes to rising voter apathy because the voters in states neglected by the candidates during campaigns feel less motivated to cast their votes (Pattie & Johnston, 2014). Further, EC makes voters perceive that their votes are less important given that majority votes in a state only decide who takes the elector and the minority votes are ignored. Thus, voters decide to abstain their votes leading to high voter apathy which can be eliminated by abolishing EC.
Although from the above arguments it is almost certain that EC syste...
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