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Infrastructure in My Daily Life

Essay Instructions:

Assignment  2: Infrastructures in Your Everyday Life

Infrastructures are all around us -- "ubiquitous" (Bowker & Star p. 37). Yet they are hard to see as we are taught to ignore them even as they "constrain and enable" (p.36)  our lives. The reading, lectures, and films include many examples of how infrastructures shape the person, relationships, and community. With this assignment, we ask you to notice infrastructures and how they shape your own life. This assignment draws primarily on Bowker and Star. 

"In general, the trick is to question every apparently natural easiness in the world and look for the work involved in making it easy."-- Bowker & Star, p. 40

What is an infrastructure that enables and constrains your everyday life?

Observe and describe the infrastructure as well as some of the practices the infrastructure makes possible. (1-2 paragraphs)

Show how it meets the definition of infrastructure, using Bowker and Star's definition of infrastructure on page 35. Your analysis should include answers to the following questions which are drawn from a subset of Bowker and Star's definitional points (1 paragraph each):

  • Embeddedness: In what other structures , social arrangements , and technologies is your chosen object or system sunk into or embedded?
    • Reach or scope: How does this object or system reach across time or space, beyond a single event or practice?
    • Learned as part of membership: What communities of practice or social worlds

    take-for-granted or rely on this chosen system or object?

    • Links with conventions of practice: What common activities take place around, through , or in response to the chosen object or system?
    • Embodiment of standards : What kinds of standardization does the chosen object or system require in order to function?
    • Becomes visible upon breakdown: What kinds of breakdowns make the chosen object or system visible? How does it fade into the background when the chosen object or system is working as designed?
    • Who or what might be torqued by the infrastructure? Torque is "the twisting" that occurs when an infrastructure (including, but not limited to a classification system) is mismatched with your trajectory, memberships, or location (see p. 223).

    Submitting the assignment: Upload a PDF of your analysis to Canvas by Friday

    Formatting: Please submit in at least 11 point font in a dark, easy-on-the-eyeballs color. No citation style required, but make sure it is clear which author you are talking about. The analysis should be no more than 5 pages, double spaced, 1-inch margin. You are welcome to include images and these do not count against the page maximum. Feel free to include field notes and observations at the end of the assignment, but they are not required and do not count against the page maximun
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Infrastructure in My Daily Life
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Infrastructure in My Daily Life
Infrastructures are not transparent for everybody, and their workability becomes increasingly complex as they scale up. They might be easier to use, but harder to see (Bowker & Star, 1999). Currently, smartphones have become ubiquitous, and the population owning these electronic devices has been rapidly increasing. These gadgets have the high processing power, and the technology used to make them is highly dynamic, meaning the hardware and software change within a short period. Smartphones enable people to communicate effectively by calling, texting, or video calling. They also connect to the Internet, making it easy for users to engage in a myriad of activities. For instance, users can access social media platforms, send email messages, transfer money, take photos and share with others on the web, and entertain themselves by listening to music among other numerous things.
As an infrastructure, smartphones make various things possible. For instance, individuals can communicate with others regardless of their geographical location, transact online, purchase things online, book flights, make hotel reservations, and businesses can keep in touch with their customers. Despite smartphones being easier to use, not many people understand how they work. Users just carry them around to use when the need arises without minding the complexity of these electronic devices. A smartphone is an infrastructure that enables and constrains my everyday life.
Infrastructure comprises or is founded by other technologies, social arrangements, and structures (Bowker & Star, 1999). Smartphones are embedded or sunk into other structures, including the computer system, battery, memory, sensors, and camera. The social arrangements of these gadgets make it easier for individuals to use. For example, users can take photos and store them on the device. When the smartphone is connected to the Internet, the stored pictures can be shared with others on social media platforms. In addition, individuals can create and edit documents using various apps. The most significant thing about smartphones is that they use or are compatible with other technologies, including hardware and software. For instance, users can download various apps depending on what they want to achieve. When one wants to edit a photo, an individual can download a Photoshop for the smartphone. If the person wants to call for free when connected to the Internet, one can use WhatsApp, Viber, or Skype. Moreover, a smartphone can get connected to a tablet, laptop, and desktop using a cable or Bluetooth to share files.
Reach or Scope
Reach or scope entails temporal or spatial, meaning that the infrastructure can reach beyond one-site practice or a single event (Bowker & Star, 1999). Currently, smartphones are used in different parts of the globe. They have become very powerful communication tools since they are portable. Regardless of the type or brand of smartphone that a person is using, the user can communicate with others without challenges. The broadband network and the Internet make it possible for individuals to communicate. Smartphones can be used beyond a single event since they are not only meant for calling or texting. They can take photos and enable users to edit them. Furthermore, users can carry crucial data with these electronic devices or create hotspots to enable them to connect other devices, such as computers to the web.
Learned as Part of Membership
This section entails the organizational arrangements and taken-for-grantedness of artifacts in a community of practice. New participants are naturally familiarized with the object as they become members (Bowker & Star, 1999). So far, social worlds or communities of practice do not take smartphones for granted, but they rely on these objects. Smartphones are vital electronic devices that have transformed the communication industry. They have made it possible for individuals to stay in touch. Many communities rely on these gadgets to communicate, share information, see what is happening globally, share photos, contribute to discussion forums, enroll in online courses, transact online, and search for relevant information in various fields.
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